Chapter 16: Evolutionary Biology Flashcards
antibiotic issue
- antibiotics were being overprescribed causing bacterial resistance
- Within a large population of bacteria, there exists a small number of individual cells that are resistant due to a random mutation in DNA, these will grow and divide to carry the drug-resistant mutation in the population
- gradual change of populations of organisms over time
- changes in allele frequencies over time
how has the definition of evolution changed
old def: descent with modification
new: change in characteristics of populations over time
what does evolution help explain
- underlying common features that organisms possess
- huge diversity of life on earth
- how species continue to change over time in response to environmental changes and challenges
natural selection
- mechanism that can drive evolution
- idea that organisms best suited to their environment have the greatest likelihood of survival and passing their traits to the next generation
AIM: yield fertile offspring
what did Darwin base his theory of natural selection on?
1) overreproduction
- all species tend to produce excessive numbers creating a struggle for existence
2) Individual variation
- variation exists amongst individuals in a population
- much of this variation is heritable
IDEA OF: “ survival of the fittest”
- overproduction and struggle for resources
- variation in traits (phenotype) amongst offspring that must be heritable otherwise its not N.S.
Differential Reproductive Success is linked to what mechanism of evolution
- individuals with traits best suited for the local environmental leave more fertile offspring
- pesticide resistance in insects
- development of antibiotic resistance
- drug-resistant strains of HIV
The essence of evolution (VIA N.S.)
1) all organisms vary genetically within a population [selection acts upon this variation]
2) genetically based traits are passed on from one generation to the next [traits must be heritable to be selected upon]
3) organisms w/ traits that are favourable to their survival (+reproduction) live and pass on their genes to the next gen.
4) evolution can happen in a few gen. but major changes [speciation] often takes long periods of time
“evolution can occur quickly’
True; major changes (speciation) takes time
- however, you wouldn’t notice it within 1 gen. in your own body (aside from your microbiome)
FITNESS: an individuals reproductive success {a composite measure of survival and reproduction}
- an organism has higher fitness than another if its leaves more surviving offspring
- 3 aspects of fitness:
1) fitness is RELATIVE (doesn’t;t matter how many offspring an individual leaves as long as its more than others in the population)
2) trait is only adaptive if it INCREASES FITNESS
3) traits that increase fitness may change (what’s fit now may not be in 2 generations due to changes in environment)
theories and hypotheses
hypothesis: idea that may/may not be true
theory: hypothesis that has been continuously tested and well-supported {NOT REFUTED}
social darwinism
- pseudoscience that use the idea of “survival of the fittest” in non-scientific backgrounds and context
Evolution is a theory about the origin of life
- evolution mainly deals with how life changed AFTER its origin
- evolution focuses on how life “branched and diversified”
(its not trying to explain the origin of life, its trying to explain how its changed over time)
Organisms are always getting better
- natural selection weeds out individuals that are unfit in a particular byproducts
- we aren’t byproducts or END GOAL of a species either
rather than a staircase analogy, think of it like a tree branch analogy, there is NO end goal to evolution
Evolution = Natural Selection
- evolution is not the same as N.S.
- N.S. is a mechanism (form of evolution, the same way genetic drift is)
T/F: the concept of evolution was around before Charles Darwin
T: Darwins idea was using N.S. (as a mechanism) to help explain patterns of evolution
Evolution means Life changed by chance
- chance mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation (but evolution by N.S. is NOT by chance, its selected for by the environment)
- bullet in car analogy:
what is random and what is not random
RANDOM: source of change that needs to be selected upon (genetic variation through mutations)
NOT RANDOM: N.S., the process whereby some variants survive and others don’t
what is the bullet in car analogy
if you shot a bullet in an engine there’s a 99.9% chance it does something bad. However, it could plug an oil leak which is good.
- neutral/good/bad mutations, and those good mutations can enhance fitness
Organisms try to adapt
- N.S. leads to adaptation but the process doesn’t involve trying
- N.S. involves genetic variation + selection among variants present in a population
Within our lifetime, we can’t adapt in our own bodies
= we are byproducts of our parents environment and thus, have adapted to their environment
Standing genetic variation
and “willing a trait”
- if there is no genetics for a trait it can’t be “willed” into existence
- must exist from the beginning
NS gives organisms what they need
- NS has 0 intentions/senses; it can’t sense what a species needs
*therefore, what is good for a snake today is not the same as what is good 10 years from now. N.S. is just an outcome of selection and what works in a common environment**
- If a population happens to have the good genetic variation, they’ll just survive better and leave behind fertile offspring {population evolves}
Selection acts for the good of the species
- NS happens to individuals, what changes is populations
- altruistic acts were a challenge for evolution
(meaning helping another individual when it risks your own survival, such as alarm calling mammals)
can be explain via kin selection - Selfish gene (Dawkins); genes drive traits that help them spread//genetic segments enhance their own transmission at the expense of other genes in genome
Further Misconceptions about evolution
1) selection acts on individuals, letting them evolve
- acts on individuals w/ particular good traits, but the only thing that changes is the makeup of population NOT THE INDIVIDUAL
singular human will only see evolution as a relative measure/comparison compared to others in your population
2) Evolution occurs slowly
- rate is controlled by several factors i.e. generation time (bacteria and viruses are fast)
3) N.S. is directed
- N.S. is actually mindless and mechanistic, and selects among whatever variations exist within the population
- therefore, there is no END GOAL or DIRECTION
4) Favourable traits arise in response to change in environment
- other way around, changes in environment allow individuals with favourable traits to flourish
5) Selection acts on genotype
- its based on the phenotype NOT THE UNDERLYING GENOTYPE
6) Humans stopped evolving
- Not true. i.e. protection against malaria and development, had of lactose intolerance