Chapter 16 - Creating Organisational culture Flashcards
Effects of organisational culture
Filter what employees pay attention to
Are physically manifested as material symbols
Form the foundation of shared meaning amongst members of an organisation
Strong culture
Characterised by an environment where the core values of the organisation are both intensely held and widely shared
The clan
A culture based on human affiliation
Employees value: attachments, collaboration, trust, and support
The adhocracy
A culture based on change
Employees value: growth, variety, attention to detail stimulation, and autonomy
The market
Value is based on achievement
Employees value: communication, competence, and competition
The hierarchy
A culture based on stability
Employees value: communication, formalisation, and routine
How employees learn culture
Material symbols
Repetitive sequences of actives that express and reinforce the key values of the organisation
Material symbols
What conveys to employees who is important, the degree of egalitarianism top management desires, and the kinds of behaviour that are appropriate
Stages of socialisation
Prearrival stage
Encounter stage
Metamorphosis stage
Prearrival stage
The period of learning in the socialisation process that occurs before a new employee joins the organisation
Encounter stage
An employee sees what the organisation is really like and confronts the possibility that expectations and reality my diverge
Metamorphosis stage
An employee changes and adjusts to the job, workgroup, and organisation
Culture creation occurs in three ways
Founders hire and keep only employees who think and feel the same way they do
They indoctrinate and socialise employees to their way of thinking and feeling
The behaviour of the founder encourages employees to identify with them and internalise their beliefs, values, and assumptions
A condition that occurs when an organisation takes on a life of its own, apart from any of its members, and acquires immortality
How managers can create a more ethical culture
Visible role model
Communicate ethical expectations
Provide ethical training
Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones
Provide protective mechanisms
Workplace spirituality
People have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work in the context of community
Cultural values in spiritual organisations
Strong sense of purpose
Trust and respect
Open mindedness
Value kindness toward others and the happiness employees and other organisational stakeholders
Strong sense of purpose
Spiritual organisations build their cultures around a meaningful purpose. Although profits may be important, they are not the primary value
Trust and respect
Characterised by mutual trust, honesty, and openness. Employees are treated with esteem and are valued, with dignity
Open mindedness
Value flexible thinking and creativity among employees