Chapter 16 and 18 Test Review Flashcards
Who made up the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
What was preparedness/militarism in WW1?
When a country built up the military to attack another country.
What was the final straw for President Wilson to join the war?
The Zimmerman Letter(Germany telling Mexico that they will help Mexico gain back land if they join the Triple Alliance)
When did the Germans surrender in WW1?
In 1918, no longer willing to fight because morale was low.
What was social darwinism?
The mindset of taking over other countries and businesses because you think your race is superior.
What were the main causes of the Dust Bowl?
Over tilling, planting the same crops annually, heat, lack of rain, and high winds.
What did the Dust Bowl do to Oklahoma farmers?
Pushed them of their land to California. They were called oakies.
How many people sold stocks on Oct. 24?
Around 16 million
What is a bank run?
When people started withdrawing their savings accounts at the beginning of the Great Depression.
Who was John Pershing?
U.S. commander of the American Expeditionary Force during WW1.
Who are casualties?
Killed, wounded, or missing people during a war.
War payment for damages. ex Germany paying France.
What did the Espionage Act do?
Banned certain materials.
What was the Lusitania?
On May 7, 1915, the German submarine (U-boat) sank the Lusitania, British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England. Had men, women, and children on board, 1,195 perished, including 123 Americans.
What was the Selective Service?
The draft; passed on May 18, 1917, by Congress which authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription.
Who was hurt from the stock market crash?
Investors and businessmen who put money into the stock market.
What did Hoover believe would happen to end the Great Depression?
That the business cycles would eventually get better.
Why were farmers hit hard after WW1?
There was not as much need for produce.
What happened with food prices after WW1?
Prices for food items started to go up an it made labor unrest workers frustrated with their wages.
What was the Installment Plan?
A system where people were buying on credit and going into debt. However it was great for businesses because they were making more money.
What did women stepping up at home doing WW1 cause?
Women to get the right to vote; 19th amendment.
What was the Great Migration?
African Americans moving up for work, because many jobs had opened up.
Why did President Wilson promote the League of Nations?
To prevent more world wars, however this idea was shot down in America.
Who promoted peace without victory?
President Wilson
What is peace without victory?
No blame game just peace.