Chapter 16 Flashcards
What is trait theory research?
- Effective leaders possessed the following traits: task, competence, interpersonal competence, intuition, traits of character, biophysical traits and personal traits.
- Bad leaders displayed traits: incompetent, rigid, intemperate, callous, corrupt, insular, evil
- Men and women have different styles of traits
What is behavioural styles theory?
- To identify the leader behaviours that directly affect work-group affectiveness
- Two key leadership behaviours: considerations and initiating structure
- Leaders are made, not born
- Not one best style of leadership
- Effectiveness of leadership is dependent on situation
- Managers are encouraged to apply Drucker’s tips for effective leadership
According to Fiedler’s contingency model,
how leadership style interacts with situational control and the takeaways from this model
- Fiedler believes leader effectiveness depends on a match between leadership style and situational control.
- Leaders are either task motivated, or relationship motivated.
- Situation control is composed of leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.
- Task-motivated leaders are effective under situations of both high and low control.
- Relationship-motivated leaders are more effective when they have moderate situational control. The three
Takeaways are:
- Leadership effectiveness goes beyond traits and behaviours
- Leaders are unlikely to be successful in all situations
- Leaders need to modify their style to fit a situation
What is the Revised Path-Goal theory?
Three key changes in the revised path-goal theory:
- effective leaders possess and use more than one style of leadership
- leaders are expected to spend more effort fostering intrinsic motivation through empowerment
- leadership is not limited to people in managerial roles; shared among all employees within an organisation
What is transactional leaderships
- Clarifying employees’ role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance
What is transformational leadership
- Motivates employees to pursue organisational goals above their self-interests
What is the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) model of leadership?
- revolves around the development of dyadic relationships between managers and their direct reports
- leaders develop unique on-to-one relationships with each of the people reporting to them
Shared leadership and the practical principles of servant-leadership
- Shared leadership involves a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which individuals share responsibility for leading regardless of formal roles and titles. This type of leadership is most likely to be needed when people work in teams, when people are involved in complex projects, and when people are doing knowledge work.
- Servant-leadership is more a philosophy than a testable theory. It is based on the premise that great leaders act as servants, putting the need of others, including employees, customers, and community, as their first priority.
What is implicit leadership theory?
Perceptual theory in which prototypes determine traits of effective leaders
- Theory based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers
situational theories
Propose that leader styles should match the situation at hand
Contingency factors
variables that influence the appropriateness of a leadrship style
What is the difference between in-group exchange and out-group exchange?
- In-group exchange: A partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking
- Out-group exchange: A partnership characterized by lack of mutual trust, respect, and liking