Chapter 16 Flashcards
As sensory impulses reach CNS, they become part of?
large pool of sensory input
→each piece of incoming info is combined with other arriving & previously stored info in integration process
Integration occurs at?
many places along pathways in spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum, basal nuclei & cerebral cortex
conscious perception or subconscious awareness of changes occuring in external or internal environment
Sensory Modality
each unique type of sensation
A given sensory neuron carries info for how many modalities?
jus`t one
2 classes of sensory modalities
1) general senses
2) special senses
General senses
somatic senses
visceral senses
somatic senses
tactile → touch, pressure, vibration, itch, tickle
thermal → warm/cold
proprioception→ awareness of limb & joint position in space
- conscious awareness
visceral senses
provide info about conditions within internal organs
only become conscious when pain receptors stimulated
Process of sensation begins in?
sensory receptor
- can be either specialized cell or dendrites of sensory neuron
Selectivity of sensory receptors
characteristic of sensory receptors
particular kind of stimulus (change in env) activates certain sensory receptors, while others only respond weakly or not at all
Process of Sensation (4 steps)
1) Stimulation of Sensory Receptor
2) Transduction of Stimulus
3) Generation of Nerve Impulses
4) Integration of Sensory Input
1) Stimulation of Sensory Receptor
an appropriate **stimulus **must occur within receptor’s **receptive field **(region where stimulation activates receptor & produces response)
2) Transduction of the stimulus
sensory receptor converts energy in stimulus to **graded potential **
(GPs vary in amplitude (size) depending on strength of stimulus & are not propagated)
exhibits **selectivity **(can only transduce 1 kind of stimulus)
3) Generation of Nerve Impulses
when sum of GPs in (first-order) sensory neuron reaches **threshold, **triggers 1+ **nerve impulses **which propagate towards **CNS **
4) Integration of Sensory Input
particular region of CNS integrates # or variety or sensory nerve impulses
results in **conscious sensation/perceptions **in cerebral cortex
**Sensory Receptors **can be grouped into several classes based on **structural **& **functional characteristics **(3)
1) microscopic structure
2) location of receptors & origin of stimuli that activate them
3) type of stimulus **detected **
Receptors named according to:
1) microscopic structure
1) Free nerve endings of first-order sensory neurons
2) encapsulated nerve endings of first-order sensory neurons
3) seperate nerve cells that synapse with first-order neurons
1) Free nerve endings of first-order sensory neurons
bare dendrites without structural specifications
- include: **pain, temperature, tickle, itch **
2) encapsulated nerve endings of first-order sensory neurons
dendrites enclosed in CT capsule
**pressure & vibration **
3) seperate nerve cells that synapse with first-order neurons
include **specialized receptor cells **for special senses
**taste buds, hair cells **for hearing, photoreceptors