Chapter 16 Flashcards
Every member is entitled to basic pay while on active duty except: (
-during periods of unauthorized absence-during periods of excess leave-after an enlistment expires
Annual military pay raises are linked to increases in private sector wages. The annual military pay raise was capped at _______ unless specifically granted a larger increase by Congress. (
one-half percent below private-sector growth
Pay raises beginning in 2007 are to be equal to: (
the increase in the employment cost index
What determines the actual rate of basic pay? (
grade and length of military service
grade and length of military service
it determines the length of service for pay purposes
The military pay date is important because it determines the length of service for pay purposes. In general, the pay date should be the same date the individual: (
entered on active duty
In general, the pay date should be the same date the individual entered on active duty if he or she: (
had no prior service before entering the Air Force
In general, the pay date is the same date the individual entered on active duty. However, periods of absence without leave, desertion, and sickness or injury due to personal misconduct will result in: (
negative pay date adjustments
This is a comprehensive statement of a member’s entitlements, deductions, allotments, leave information, tax-withholding information, and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) information. (16.3.2.)
DFAS Form 702, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Leave and Earnings Statement
Allowances are monies provided for specific needs such as food or housing. Monetary allowances are provided: (16.4.)
when the government does not provide for that specific need
Allowances are monies provided for specific needs such as food or housing and are not taxable. The exception is: (16.4.)
CONUS cost-of-living allowance (COLA)
Military allowances are monies provided for specific needs such as food or housing. Housing allowances are based on: (16.4.2.)
member’s grade, dependency status and location
Housing allowances are based on the member’s grade, dependency status, and location. The location determines whether the allowance is BAH or overseas housing allowance (OHA). The difference between BAH and OHA is: ( and
BAH is based on average costs while OHA reimburses actual rental costs
OHA is a cost reimbursement-based allowance to help defray housing costs incident to assignments outside the United States. There are two types of allowances paid under OHA: (
Move-in housing allowance (MIHA) and monthly OHA
There are two types of allowances paid under OHA: Move-in housing allowance (MIHA) and monthly OHA. MIHA is based on: (
the average “move-in” costs for members
The purpose of Family Separation Housing allowance (FSH) is to pay a member for: (
added housing expenses resulting from enforced separation from dependents
Which allowance pays a member for added housing expenses resulting from enforced separation from dependents? (
Family Separation Housing allowance (FSH)
There are two types of Family Separation Housing allowance (FSH): FSH-BAH (FSH-B) and FSH-OHA (FSH-O). FSH-B is payable in a monthly amount equal to: (
the without-dependent BAH rate applicable to the member’s grade and PDS
There are two types of Family Separation Housing allowance (FSH): FSH-BAH (FSH-B) and FSH-OHA (FSH-O). FSH-O is payable in a monthly amount up to: (
the without-dependent OHA rate applicable to the member’s grade and PDS
Enlisted military members receive an annual Clothing Replacement Allowance (CRA) to help maintain, repair, and replace uniform items. There are two types of CRA: (16.4.3.)
CRA Basic and CRA Standard
There are two types of Clothing Replacement Allowance (CRA): CRA Basic and CRA Standard. When is CRA Basic paid? (16.4.3.)
-annually, on the anniversary date of active duty-between the 6th and 36th month of active duty
There are two types of Clothing Replacement Allowance (CRA): CRA Basic and CRA Standard. CRA Standard automatically replaces CRA Basic: (16.4.3.)
after 36 months of active duty
The purpose of Family Separation Allowance (FSA) is to compensate members for: (16.4.4.)
added expenses incurred because of an enforced family separation
How many types of Family Separation Allowance are there? (16.4.4.)
3; FSA-R, FSA-S, and FSA-T
Family Separation Allowance (FSA) has three different categories: FSA-R, FSA-S, and FSA-T. FSA-R is authorized for members: (16.4.4.)
if transportation of dependents is not authorized at government expense
Family Separation Allowance (FSA) has three different categories: FSA-R, FSA-S, and FSA-T. FSA-S is authorized for members: (16.4.4.)
serving on ships away from the homeport continuously for more than 30 days
Family Separation Allowance (FSA) has three different categories: FSA-R, FSA-S, and FSA-T. FSA-T is authorized for members: (16.4.4.)
who are TDY away from the permanent station continuously for more than 30 days
The aim of overseas station allowances is to: (16.4.5.)
help defray the higher than normal cost of living or housing costs in overseas areas
Who is eligible to receive CONUS Cost-of-Living Allowance? (16.4.6.)
members assigned to designated “high cost” areas within the CONUS
Hazardous duty incentive pay, imminent danger pay, hardship duty pay, and enlistment and reenlistment bonuses are examples of what category of pay? (16.5.)
Special and Incentive Pay
The two general categories of payroll deductions are: (16.6.)
involuntary and voluntary
The two general categories of payroll deductions are involuntary and voluntary deductions. An example of an involuntary deduction is: (16.6.1.)
-Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Tax-Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH)
The two categories of payroll deductions are involuntary and voluntary. An example of an involuntary deduction is the Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) which deducts a maximum monthly amount of _______. (
Military members may establish voluntary deductions such as allotments to help administer their personal finances but are limited to _______ purely discretionary allotments. (
Military members may establish voluntary deductions such as allotments to help administer their personal finances. To allow for sufficient processing time, allotments should be requested: (
Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) automatically insures an eligible member against death when the member is performing active duty or active duty for training for an ordered period of more than _______. (
30 days
Military members are paid on a monthly basis with the option to receive payments: (16.7.1.)
once or twice per month
Military members must understand the pay system has processing cutoff dates that affect updates to their pay. The cutoff date is: (16.7.1.)
the day when the DFAS stops processing transactions against pay accounts so the regular payroll process can begin
The cutoff date for updates to a member’s pay is the day when the DFAS stops processing transactions against pay accounts so the regular payroll process can begin. While the cutoff dates fluctuate from month to month, they’re generally around _______. (16.7.1.)
the 6th for the midmonth payday and the 20th for the end of month payday
The military pay system allows for Local, Partial, and Emergency Partial payments. Local cash payments are normally only authorized for: (16.7.2.)
overseas areas where military banking facilities are not readily available
Local cash payments are normally only authorized for overseas areas where military banking facilities are not readily available. Under extenuating circumstances, a stateside member’s commander may authorize immediate cash payments of up to _______. (16.7.2.)
the amount of accrued entitlement to date
The military pay system allows for Local, Partial, and Emergency Partial payments. Partial payments are limited to: (16.7.2.)
the amount of pay and allowances the member has accrued to the date of the payment
Permanent Change of Station (PCS) advance payments provide members with funds to meet expenses incident to a PCS and are equal to _______ minus mandatory deductions. (16.7.3.)
up to 3 months of basic pay
PCS advance payments provide members with money to meet expenses incident to a PCS. Normally only A1Cs and below must have their Commander’s approval to receive advance pay but all members require the Commander’s approval when: (16.7.3.)
-the desired repayment period is more than 12 months-the amount requested is more than 1 month’s basic pay
All members require their commander’s approval to receive advance pay if the desired repayment period is greater than 12 months or the amount requested is greater than 1 month’s basic pay. Repayment periods greater than 12 months are only approved: (16.7.3.)
in cases of financial hardship
During a PCS, Air Force policy is to authorize/approve privately owned conveyance travel if _______. (
-acceptable to the member-advantageous to the government
Members receive a variety of travel allowances when they PCS. One of these is dislocation allowance. Dislocation allowance is paid to: (16.8.3.)
-all members with dependents when dependents relocate their household goods in conjunction with a PCS-members without dependents if not assigned permanent government quarters upon arrival at the new PDS
When members PCS, they may receive a variety of travel allowances. A member arriving or departing PCS at a location within the CONUS may receive _______ to help defray the added living expenses incurred while occupying temporary lodging. (16.8.4.)
When members PCS, they receive a variety of travel allowances. A member arriving or departing PCS at a location outside the CONUS may receive _______ to help defray the added living expenses incurred while occupying temporary lodging. (16.8.4.)
A member who receives PCS orders may ship Household Goods (HHG) within certain weight limitations at government expense. Authorized weight allowances normally depend on _______. (16.8.5.)
the grade of the member and whether he or she has dependents
During a PCS move, members receive a variety of travel allowances. One of these is the shipment of unaccompanied baggage by air which is limited to a maximum of: (16.8.6.)
1,000 pounds
During a PCS, members may ship one POV at government expense when: (16.8.7.)
ordered to go on a PCS to, from, or between locations overseas
During a PCS, members who own a mobile home may ship it at government expense. Shipment of a mobile home is in lieu of: (16.8.8.)
HHG transportation
This TDY allowance helps defray the cost of quarters, meals, and certain incidentals. (16.9.1.)
Per Diem
Per Diem is a TDY entitlement that helps defray the cost of quarters, meals, and certain incidentals. TDY per diem rates depend on: (16.9.1.)
-the TDY location-whether government facilities are available
After returning from TDY, travelers are entitled to be reimbursed for certain expenses. Reimbursable expenses include: (16.9.3.)
-lodging taxes and tips for baggage handling at airports-official telephone calls and travel from home or place of lodging to the transportation terminal-fees for traveler’s checks, passports, and visas and rental vehicles when authorized
When a TDY is completed, the traveler is responsible for electronically filing a voucher or preparing a _______ to claim reimbursement for expenses during official travel. (
DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher
When the TDY is completed, the traveler is responsible for electronically filing a voucher or preparing a DD Form 1351-2 to claim reimbursement for official travel. _______ is the mandatory means by which a travel claim is settled. (
The direct payment via EFT to the travel card contractor for charges incurred on the travel card and to the cardholder for any residual amount is known as: (
split disbursement
When a TDY is completed, the traveler is responsible for filing a voucher to claim reimbursement for expenses. In cases where the traveler is TDY for 45 days or more, he or she should file an interim voucher every _______ and use split disbursement to pay the bill. (
30 days
What entity is responsible for program execution and management of the day-to-day operations for their component’s DoD travel card program? (16.10.2.)
Agency Program Coordinators (APC)
Unless exempted, all DoD personnel are required to use the government travel card for all expenses arising from official government travel. While in travel status, the member may use the card for non-reimbursable incidental travel expenses such as: (16.10.3.)
-rental movies-personal telephone calls-exercise fees and beverages
Travelers may use the government travel card at a specified network of ATMs to obtain cash needed to pay for “out-of-pocket” travel-related expenses. ATM advances shall not be obtained earlier than: (
3 working days before scheduled travel
Travelers may use the government travel card at a specified network of ATMs to obtain cash needed to pay for “out-of-pocket” travel-related expenses. ATM advances are limited to: (
authorized expenses exempt from mandatory card usage
The Air Force may collect members’ debts involving _______. (
-portions of a reenlistment bonus not served-delinquent hospital bills for family members-erroneous payments made by the Air Force
Military members may request relief from valid debts by applying for waiver or remission of the debt. Requesting a waiver is appropriate: (
when a member receives erroneous pay or allowances
A Regular Air Force or separated member may apply for remission of indebtedness to the United States. The Air Force may consider any indebtedness for remission except for: (
noncollection of court-martial forfeiture
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a retirement savings and investment plan established for federal employees as part of the Federal Employees’ Retirement Act of 1986. Employees may contribute up to _______. (16.11.2.)
$17,000 a year
Military leave accrues at a rate of: (16.13.1.)
2 1/2 calendar days per month of active duty
Military requirements may prevent members from using their planned leave. Annual leave accrual is temporarily increased from 60 to _______ until 30 September 2013. (16.13.1.)
75 days
Annual leave accrual is temporarily increased from 60 to 75 days until 30 September 2013. Service members may now carry over up to _______ days of accrued leave from one fiscal year to the next. (16.13.1.)
75 days
The Air Force can pay members for unused leave at certain points in their careers, such as: (16.13.2.)
reenlistment, retirement, separation, or death
The Air Force can pay members for unused leave at certain points in their careers, such as reenlistment, retirement, separation, or death. But payment is limited to a maximum of _______. (16.13.2.)
60 days during their military career
Members do not earn leave when they are: (16.13.2.)
-AWOL or in an unauthorized leave status-in confinement as a result of a court-martial-in an excess leave status or on appellate leave
Special Leave Accrual (SLA) retention limits have been increased. Under the new limits, SLA earned in combat zones may now be kept for: (16.14.)
4 fiscal years
Special Leave Accrual (SLA) retention limits have been increased and SLA earned in combat zones may now be kept for 4 fiscal years; SLA earned in support of operations may now be kept for: (16.14.)
2 fiscal years