Chapter 10 Flashcards
There is a significant difference between commanding and leading: (10.1)
given the authority, anyone can command while leading is a delicate art calling for people-oriented attributes
Leadership is the art and science of motivating, influencing, and directing Airmen to accomplish the Air Force mission. This definition highlights two fundamental elements of leadership: (10.2.)
(1) the mission, objective, or task, and (2) the Airmen who accomplish it
Accomplishing the mission is the primary task of every military organization; everything else must be _______. (10.2.)
Accomplishing the mission is the primary task of every military organization. However, a successful leader recognizes that people perform the mission and that, without their support, the unit will _______. (10.2.)
The Air Force expects its members to develop leadership skills. The nature and extent of that development depends on: (10.2.)
the member’s status: officer, enlisted, or civilian
The Air Force expects its members to develop leadership skills. The nature and extent of that development depends on the member’s status: officer, enlisted, or civilian. Air Force enlisted members will operate chiefly at what level? (10.2.)
According to General Fogleman, “_______ are the assets that determine our success or failure. If you are to be a good leader, you have to cultivate your skills in the arena of personal relations.” (10.2.)
Good leaders get involved in their Airmen’s careers. People merely obey arbitrary commands and orders but they respond quickly and usually give extra effort for leaders who _______. (10.2.1.)
genuinely care about them
There are no magic formulas when it comes to being a successful leader. The best advice may be: (10.4.)
to “be yourself”
Air Force standards of conduct, discipline, and customs and courtesies reflect the Air Force’s broad heritage and traditions. Air Force leaders must not only know these standards, they must also: (10.5.)
enforce them
To “deliver sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America and its global interests-to fly and fight in Air, Space, and Cyberspace” is _______. (10.5.1.)
the Air Force’s mission
The _______ provides the control and communications necessary to accomplish the mission. (10.5.4.)
chain of command
Each level of the chain of command is responsible for a lower level and accountable to all higher levels. The chain cannot work without _______. (10.5.4.)
loyalty at every level
The chain of command provides the control and communications necessary to accomplish the mission. The key principle is: (10.5.4.)
to resolve problems and seek answers at the lowest possible level
Supervisors must make sure their subordinates meet Air Force standards at all times. Standards of conduct apply: (10.5.5.)
-both on and off duty-in personal behavior-in the treatment of others in both military and civilian environments
NCOs must make sure their relationships with coworkers and Airmen do not give the appearance of favoritism or impropriety. Excessive socialization and undue familiarity, real or perceived, will _______. (10.5.6.)
degrade leadership
Some observers believe that military success depends on effective management while others insist charismatic leadership is the key to success. In reality: (10.6.1.)
a combination of both is essential
The PDG explains the roles of leadership and management by examining them in terms of three elements: (10.6.2.)
behavior, personal characteristics, and organizational situation
To illustrate the difference between leadership and management behavior, _______ is based on building organizational relations that mesh together like the parts of a timepiece while _______ concentrates on making the hands of the timepiece move. (
managerial behavior; leadership behavior
The difference between management and leadership is that managers use the management process to control people by pushing them in the right direction while leaders _______. (
motivate and inspire people to keep moving in the right direction by satisfying human needs
According to Bennis’s Behavioral Characteristics Comparison chart, managers administer, maintain, and control while leaders: (Fig 10.1.)
motivate, develop, and inspire
In order to be successful, leaders must: (
have a grasp of both management and leadership skills
To be successful, an organization needs both leadership and management. A peacetime military can survive with good administration and management up and down the hierarchy, coupled with good leadership concentrated at the top. On the other hand, a wartime force must have: (
competent leadership at all levels
Good management brings a degree of order and consistency to key issues like readiness, availability, and sustainment. However, no one has yet figured out how to manage people into battle. They must be _______. (
The PDG lists the following leadership qualities: (1) Positive Attitude, (2) Values, (3) Character, and (4) Credibility. Having a positive attitude is important for leaders because their attitude will be reflected in their _______. (10.7.1.)
The PDG lists the following leadership qualities: (1) Positive Attitude, (2) Values, (3) Character, and (4) Credibility. The character traits of effective leaders include: (10.7.3.)
charisma, compassion, and courage
Which characteristic, according to Webster, is a special characteristic of leadership that inspires allegiance and devotion but may be contrary to authority and superiors consequently frown on it? (
The PDG lists leadership qualities under the categories of (1) Positive Attitude, (2) Values, (3) Character, and (4) Credibility. Successful leaders earn credibility by: (10.7.4.)
leading by example and taking responsibility
The vision for Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21) is to establish a continuous process improvement environment in which all Airmen are: (10.8.)
actively eliminating waste and continuously improving processes
The vision for AFSO21 is to establish a continuous process improvement environment in which all Airmen are actively eliminating waste and continuously improving processes. These improvements must be centered around: (10.8.)
the core missions Airmen are responsible for conducting
Vision is helping people believe they can accomplish their goals and move toward a better future as a result of their own efforts. Vision must be specific enough to provide real guidance to people but _______. ( and
unbounded enough to encourage initiative and demonstrate relevancy to a variety of conditions
Even a clearly articulated and achievable vision may flounder if appropriate resource management and leadership practices do not accompany it. What is crucial about the vision is not its originality but _______. (10.8.3.)
how well it serves mission requirements, strategic goals, and the Air Force
A vision that meets the organization’s needs at the time of implementation is unlikely, over time, to be applicable without changes. The vision-forming process should be _______. (10.8.4.)
_______ is a force that energizes people and provides responsibility, ownership, and control over the work they perform. (10.9.1.)
The military is traditionally an authoritarian organization because the need for rapid decisionmaking and crisis response necessitates: (
a traditional hierarchical framework
The role of the leader in fostering growth is to _______. ( and
-provide challenging and enlightening experiences-identify and analyze knowledge and improvement opportunities-insist their Airmen focus attention on the aspects of a situation, mission, or project they control
An important milestone in any Airman’s development process is _______. (
to experience a significant challenge early in his or her career
To learn and improve, people need to be encouraged to try new things. A fundamental aspect of empowerment is acknowledging the right to _______. (
Integrity is the willingness to do what is right even when no one is looking. Integrity is _______. (10.12.1.)
-the “moral compass”, the inner voice, the voice of self-control-the basis for the trust imperative in today’s Air Force-the single most important part of character
Preoccupation with leadership often prevents us from considering the nature and importance of followership. Few leaders became successful without first having learned _______. (10.13.)
followership skills