Chapter 15 Flashcards
The Air Force must remain attuned to the demands placed on Airmen resulting from personnel tempo (PERSTEMPO). PERSTEMPO is a quality-of-life measurement that measures: (15.7.)
the amount of time spent away from home station
The primary consideration in selecting Airmen for reassignment is: (15.7.)
the Airmen’s qualifications to accomplish the mission
While the primary consideration in selecting Airmen for reassignment is the Airmen’s qualifications to accomplish the mission, the Air Force also considers: (15.7.)
-the need to minimize family separation and personal hardships-the need to attend essential military and pre-PCS requirements-assigning Airmen on a voluntary basis and in the most equitable manner
What is the governing instruction for operational (including rotational), training (including formal education and PME), and force structure assignments? (15.8.)
AFI 36-2110, Assignments
The director of assignments (or equivalent) in coordination with MAJCOMs, Field Operating Agencies, and Direct Reporting Units may initiate assignments for Airmen currently assigned to fill valid vacant manpower authorizations. _______ is the final approval authority for Airman assignments. (15.8.1.)
AFPC is the final approval authority for Airman assignments. The Airman Assignment Division (AFPC/DPAA) is the final approval authority for Airman assignments in the grades of _______. (15.8.1.)
SMSgt and below
The final approval authority for CMSgt and CMSgt-select assignments is: (15.8.1.)
the Chiefs Group (AF/DPE)
The primary factor in selecting Airmen for PCS is: (15.9.1.)
the Airmen’s qualifications to fill a valid manpower requirement
The Air Force assigns Airmen without regard to: (15.9.1.)
-color, race, or religious preference (except chaplains)-national origin, ethnic background, age, or marital status (except military couples)-spouse’s employment, education or volunteer activities, or gender (except as required by law)
The Special Experience Identifier (SEI) system complements the assignment process and is used in conjunction with grade, AFSC, AFSC prefixes and suffixes to: (15.9.2.)
match uniquely qualified Airmen to jobs with special requirements
Manpower positions often require Airmen to have access to a specified level of classified information. However, sometimes the urgency to fill a position does not allow time for the normal PCS selection process. Under these circumstances, selection may be necessary from among Airmen who: (15.9.3.)
currently have access or can be granted access immediately
CMSgts and CMSgt-selects may be assigned in any AFSC but Airmen in the grade of SMSgt and below are selected for assignment based on their _______. (15.9.4.)
control AFSC
Airmen with an incompatible grade and CAFSC skill level because of retraining or reclassification are selected for assignment and allocated against requirements commensurate with their ________. (15.9.4.)
grade, regardless of their CAFSC skill level
Normally, Airmen are selected for assignment based on their grade and skill level. CMSgts fill CEM code positions. SMSgts fill 9-skill level positions. MSgts and TSgts fill: (15.9.4.)
7-skill level positions
Within a group of qualified Airmen who meet the minimum eligibility criteria for PCS selection, volunteers are selected ahead of nonvolunteers. But non-volunteers who are qualified to fill a requirement and meet the minimum PCS eligibility criteria are selected ahead of qualified volunteers when the volunteer: (15.9.5.)
does not meet PCS eligibility criteria
AF/DPE uses CMSgt assignment policies to support the continued development of CMSgts. Policies include a three-year limit for Headquarters Staff and Special Duty tours. This policy: (
-increases opportunities for CMSgts to serve in these positions-improves the flow of field experience into headquarters staff positions-improves the flow of staff experience into base-level units
Specific strategic-level assignments such as Air Force career field managers and Command Chief Master Sergeants are filled: (
using a nominative selection process
Command Chief Master Sergeant assignments are _______ tours. (
2-year minimum/3-year maximum
Except for a voluntary join-spouse assignment or humanitarian reassignment, First Term Airmen serving an initial enlistment of 4 or more years may not be given more than _____ assignments in different locations after basic training and tech school during their first 4 years of service. (15.9.7.)
First Term Airmen (FTA) serving an initial enlistment of 4 or more years may not be given more than two assignments in different locations following basic training and tech school during their first 4 years of service, regardless of tour length. FTA who make two PCS moves are permitted an additional PCS: (15.9.7.)
-as a volunteer-when the PCS is a mandatory move-in conjunction with an approved humanitarian reassignment or join-spouse assignment
First Term Airmen serving an initial enlistment of 4 or more years may not be given more than two assignments in different locations after basic training and tech school during their first 4 years of service. _______ are excluded from the two-move count. (15.9.7.)
low-cost moves
Airmen are considered available for reassignment: (15.9.8.)
on the first day of the “availability” month
The policies and procedures governing Humanitarian and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) reassignment or deferment are outlined in: (
AFI 36-2110, Assignments
The humanitarian policy provides reassignment or deferment for Airmen to help them resolve severe short-term problems involving a family member when: (
-the problem is resolvable within a reasonable period of time (normally 12 months)-the Airman’s presence is essential to resolve the problem-the Airman is effectively utilized in his or her CAFSC at the new assignment
Under the humanitarian program, family members are limited to: (
spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, and those people who have served “in loco parentis”
A person “in loco parentis” refers to someone who has acted as a parent in place of a natural parent for at least ___ years before the Airman’s or spouse’s 21st birthday or before the Airman’s entry on active duty, whichever is earlier. (
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a separate and distinct program from humanitarian policy. The EFMP is based on: (
an Airman’s need for special medical or educational care for a spouse or child
Under the Exceptional Family Member Program, a deferment from an assignment may be provided for a newly identified condition if the Airman’s presence is considered essential. When granted, the initial period of deferment is usually: (
12 months
The Base of Preference (BOP) program: (
is a reenlistment incentive
The assignment program that attempts to assign military couples to assignments where they can maintain a joint residence is known as: (
Join Spouse
The assignment program that provides enlisted Airmen a stabilized tour in exchange for volunteering for an assignment to a historically hard-to-fill location is known as _______. (
the Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program
Airmen who volunteer for an extended long overseas tour must serve the standard tour length plus an additional _______. (
12 months
Airmen may request an Educational Deferment from assignment selection if they: (
-have not yet been selected for a PCS-have nearly completed a vocational program or college degree
The High School Senior Assignment Deferment Program grants 1-year assignment deferments to eligible applicants. Who is eligible to apply? (
SMSgts and below and officers through Lt Col
AFI 36-2110, Assignments, provides instructions regarding TDY procedures. The maximum TDY period at any one location in a 12-month period is ______ days unless the Secretary of the Air Force grants a waiver. (
To the degree possible, Airmen are not selected for involuntary overseas PCS while performing certain kinds of TDY. Additionally, if selected for involuntary PCS after one of these TDYs, the report not later than date (RNLTD) will not be within _____ days of the TDY completion date. (
Airmen who adopt children may be authorized deferment during the _______ period following the date a child is placed in the Airman’s home. (
6 month
Minimum Time on Station (TOS) requirements exist to provide: (15.9.9.)
continuity to an Airman’s unit and reasonable periods of stable family life
For most CONUS-to-CONUS PCS moves, Airmen must have at least ______ of Time on Station (TOS) with the exception of First Term Airmen who are eligible for the Base of Preference Program. (
48 months
For most PCS moves within the CONUS, Airmen must have at least 48 months Time on Station (TOS) with the exception of First Term Airmen who are eligible for the Base of Preference Program. The service retainability requirement for a CONUS-to-CONUS PCS, for all Airmen, regardless of career status, is: (
24 months
For PCS moves from CONUS to Overseas, First Term Airmen must have at least ______ Time on Station. (
12 months
For a PCS move from CONUS to Overseas, career Airmen must have at least _______ of Time on Station. (
24 months
To accept an overseas assignment, Airmen must have or be eligible to obtain: (
sufficient service retainability to complete the overseas tour length
When notified of PCS selection, Airmen must have or be eligible to obtain sufficient service retainability to complete the overseas tour. Declining to obtain retainability for PCS will affect a career Airman by: (
making him or her ineligible for promotion and reenlistment
Airmen who are eligible and desire that their dependents accompany them at government expense during their overseas tours must serve the “accompanied by dependents” overseas tour length. Electing to serve the longer accompanied tour requires the Airman to: (
obtain the obligated service retainability for the longer tour
Airmen who desire that their dependents accompany them at government expense during their overseas tours must serve the “accompanied by dependents” overseas tour length. Members who decline to obtain the service retainability for the accompanied tour length will: (
-not receive command sponsorship-not receive approval for dependent travel at government expense
If an Airman is serving overseas and is a volunteer for a consecutive overseas tour or an in-place consecutive overseas tour, the Airman must: (
-complete the full-prescribed tour at the current location-complete the full-prescribed tour at the new overseas location
To accept an assignment from overseas to CONUS, Airmen must normally have at least ___ months of obligated service retainability. (
Reassignment from OS to CONUS requires the Airman, in most cases, to have at least 12 months of obligated service retainability. The exception is: (
those Airmen serving a dependent restricted short tour of 12 months
Reassignment from OS to CONUS requires Airmen, in most cases, to have at least 12 months of obligated service retainability. Airmen who do not have retainability will be: (
retained in the overseas area involuntarily until their date of separation
The Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL) lists: (15.9.10.)
assignments, by AFSC and grade, available for upcoming assignment cycles
The EQUAL-Plus supplements the Enlisted Quarterly Assignments Listing (EQUAL) and is used to advertise: (15.9.10.)
special duty, joint and departmental, short-notice overseas, and CMSgt assignments
The EQUAL-Plus lists: (15.9.10.)
-upcoming requirements-any special qualifications an Airman needs to be eligible for selection-the available locations, reporting instructions, and points of contact
CMSgts and CMSgt-selects volunteer for assignments listed on EQUAL-Plus by notifying their assignment NCO at Headquarters Air Force Senior Leadership Management Office (AFSLMO). SMSgts and below will use _______ to record assignment preferences. (15.9.11.)
the Virtual Military Personnel Flight (vMPF)
The purpose of the Home-Basing and Follow-On Assignment Programs is: (
-to reduce PCS costs-to reduce PCS turbulence-to increase stability for Airmen and their families by providing advance assignment consideration
Assignment of family members to the same duty location or unit is not prohibited, however, family members will not be assigned where: (
one member will or may hold a supervisory position over another family member
After an Airman is selected for PCS, cancellation of the assignment could impose a hardship on the Airman. Normally, a PCS is not cancelled within 60 days of the projected departure date unless: (
the Airman cannot be used at the projected location
If an Airman indicates that a hardship will exist as a result of an assignment cancellation, the Airman will prepare a written statement containing the details of the hardship. Upon receipt, the MPS advises the assignment OPR, who: (
-may reinstate the original assignment or provide an alternate assignment-may confirm cancellation and provide reasons why the member must remain in place
Failure to produce a family care plan within 60 days of the discussion with the commander, supervisor, or commander’s designated representative may result in: (15.10. and 15.12.2.)
disciplinary action and/or administrative separation
Who is required to have a Family Care Plan? (15.11.)
-single parents with custody of children and military couples with dependents-members who are solely responsible for the care of a spouse or elderly family member-members who are solely responsible for the care of a spouse who cannot speak English or drive
When a change in family circumstances or personal status make it necessary for a member to establish a family care plan, members must notify their commander as soon as possible but no later than: (15.11.)
30 days after the change
The policy that requires members to make provisions for short-term TDYs and long-term deployments and designate a caregiver for affected family members is known as _______ and is documented on _______. (15.12.)
the Family Care Plan; AF IMT 357
The Air Force Instruction that governs Family Care Plan responsibilities is _______. (
AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans
When are Airmen with family members required to receive counseling on Family Care Plan responsibilities? (
during in-processing
Commanders or First Sergeants must counsel all Airmen with family members on AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans, during inprocessing and may not delegate this responsibility unless: (
the member is geographically separated from the commander’s location
If Airmen are geographically separated from the commander’s location, the commander may delegate the responsibility to counsel Airmen on Family Care Plans and certify the AF IMT 357 to: (
detachment or operating location chiefs
The commander or first sergeant is required to annually brief, individually, all military members who _______ on Family Care Plan responsibilities. (
require an AF IMT 357
Members who fail to make adequate and acceptable family care arrangements will: (15.12.2.)
have disciplinary or other actions taken against them
The Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP) applies to _______. (15.13.)
all enlisted personnel
The objective of the Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP) is to ensure the Air Force retains only Airmen who consistently demonstrate the capability and willingness to _______. (15.13.)
maintain high professional standards
First Term Airmen receive Selective Reenlistment Program consideration when they are within _______ of their expiration of term of service (ETS). (15.13.1.)
15 months
The Selective Reenlistment Program provides a process by which commanders evaluate all first-term, second-term, and career Airmen for continued service. Second-term and career Airmen are considered when they are within _______ of their original ETS. (15.13.1.)
13 months
Under the Selective Reenlistment Program, second term and career Airmen with less than 19 years of TAFMS are considered within 13 months of the original ETS. Career Airmen also receive SRP consideration when within _______ of completing 20 years of TAFMS. (15.13.1.)
13 months
When career Airmen have served over 20 years of TAFMS, when do they receive Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP) consideration? (15.13.1.)
each time they are within 13 months of their original ETS
Under the Selective Reenlistment Program, who has total selection and nonselection authority for all Airmen? (
the unit commander
Airman are entitled to appeal their non-selection under the Selective Reenlistment Program but must indicate their intention within: (
3 work days of the date the Airman acknowledges the non-selection decision
In order to appeal non-selection under the Selective Reenlistment Program, an Airman must submit an appeal to _______ within 10 calendar days of the date the Airman indicates his or her intent on the AF Form 418. (
the MPS
Airmen have the right to appeal Selective Reenlistment Program nonselection decisions. The specific appeal authority is based on: (15.13.4.)
an Airman’s TAFMS
Airmen have the right to appeal nonselection decisions made under the Selective Reenlistment Program. The appeal authority for second term and career Airmen who will complete fewer than 16 years of TAFMS on their current ETS is: (15.13.4.)
the Wing Commander
Airmen have the right to appeal Selective Reenlistment Program nonselection decisions. The appeal authority for second term and career Airmen who will complete at least 16 but fewer than 20 years of TAFMS on their current ETS is: (15.13.4.)
the Secretary of the Air Force
Any Airman serving on a regular Air Force enlistment may request an extension but only for specific reasons: (15.14.)
-if he or she has a service-directed change-if it is in the best interest of the Air Force
Any Airman serving on a Regular Air Force enlistment may request an extension but voluntary extensions for all Airmen are limited to a maximum of _______ per enlistment. (15.14.)
48 months
Once approved, an enlistment extension has the legal effect of changing the enlistment agreement by extending the period of obligated service. Extensions can only be canceled if _______. (15.14.)
the reason for the extension no longer exists
The High Year of Tenure is another method of stabilizing the career structure of the enlisted force. The High Year of Tenure represents: (15.15.)
the maximum number of years Airmen may serve in the grades of SrA through CMSgt
Airmen may be eligible to request an extension of enlistment to establish a Date of Separation at their High Year of Tenure (HYT) to separate or retire. Normally, Airmen must be within ______ of their HYT before they can extend. (15.15.)
2 years
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) is a monetary incentive paid to enlisted members to: (15.16.)
attract reenlistments in, and retraining into, critical military skills
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) is paid in four zones: (15.16.1.)
Zone A, Zone B, Zone C, and Zone E
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus is paid in four zones: A, B, C, and E. Which zone applies to Airmen reenlisting between 21 months and 6 years of TAFMS? (
Zone A
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus is paid in four zones: A, B, C, and E. Which zone applies to Airmen reenlisting between 6 and 10 years of TAFMS? (
Zone B
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus is paid in four zones: A, B, C, and E. Which zone applies to Airmen reenlisting between 10 and 14 years of TAFMS? (
Zone C
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus is paid in four zones: A, B, C, and E. Which zone applies to Airmen reenlisting between 18 and 20 years of TAFMS? (
Zone E
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) is calculated on the basis of monthly base pay multiplied by the number of years and months of obligated service incurred on reenlistment, multiplied by _______. (15.16.2.)
the SRB multiple for the skill
The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) is only payable for obligated service not exceeding _______ of active service. (15.16.2.)
24 years
The maximum Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) payable to eligible Airmen is: (15.16.2.)
$90,000 per zone