Chapter 15- Special Senses Flashcards
What are special senses?
Any of the senses with special sensory receptors. These receptors are extremely specific and will only respond to one type of stimulus. Only found in the head and sit very close to the surface (considered exteroceptors).
Special senses (5)
- Vision
- Olfaction (smell)
- Gustation (taste)
- Hearing
- Equilibrium
Why is touch not considered a special sense?
Touch doesn’t count because receptors are scattered throughout the body and the receptors are mechanoreceptors
What is our most dominant sense?
Vision. 50% of our sensory receptors are photoreceptors and more than 50% of the cerebral cortex is responsible for integrating visual information. The eyes are anatomically and physiologically complex and very well protected
Function of eyebrows
Provide shade, prevent sweat from running into eyes. Sweat has a high salt concentration and can be irritating to the eyes. Eyebrows are usually darker in color, which provides the shade.
Transparent mucous membrane- there are 2 types. Produces lubricating mucus.
Palpebral conjunctiva
Portion of the conjunctiva that covers the inner eyelids
Bulbar conjunctiva
Portion that covers the anterior surface of the eye (except cornea)
“Pink eye”- the color is caused by irritation as the conjunctival membrane secretes more mucus. This infection can be viral or bacterial.
Palpebrae function
Eyelids- open and close the eyes
Which muscles allow the eye to open and close (2)?
- Orbicularis oculi- encircles the eye
- Levator palpebrae superioris
Both of these muscles are skeletal
Lacrimal caruncle
Located on medial portion of the eyelid- this is the pink tissue you can see in the medial corner of the eye. Crusty secretions you sometimes see in the corner of your eyes is the secretion of the lacrimal caruncle. The sebaceous and sweat glands here produce an oily secretion.
What is the function of eyelashes?
Eyelashes project from the upper and lower lid to protect the eye from debris, which can be irritating or damaging.
Lacrimal apparatus function
Production and drainage of tears
Parts of the lacrimal apparatus (3)
- Lacrimal glands
- Lacrimal canaliculi
- Nasolacrimal duct
Lacrimal glands
Produces and releases dilute saline solution (tears)
Lacrimal canaliculi
Drains tears from the eye surface at the medial portion of the eye.
Nasolacrimal duct
Drains tears from lacrimal canaliculi into nasal cavity. We produce tears constantly, but not enough to constantly produce a runny nose
What is the function of tears?
Tears contain lysozyme, an enzyme that kills bacteria. They also lubricate the eye surface and wash away foreign bodies in the eye
Function of extrinsic eye muscles
Allows movement of the eye in the orbit- lets you follow the movement of objects without turning your head.
Where do extrinsic eye muscles attach?
To the sclera of the eye
Extrinsic eye muscles (6)
- Superior rectus
- Inferior rectus
- Lateral rectus
- Medial rectus
- Superior oblique
- Inferior oblique
Rectus muscles function
Rectus muscles (4) pull the eye in the direction indicated by the name of the muscle.
Oblique muscles function
Oblique muscles (2) either elevate or depress the eye and turn it laterally
Why do we need oblique muscles?
Lateral pull of oblique muscles resists medial pull of rectus muscles
Layers of the eye (3)
- Fibrous layer- superficial
- Vascular layer
- Retina- deep
Regions of the fibrous layer of the eye (2)
- Sclera
2. Cornea
The whites of the eyes. Functions- gives the eyeball shape, provides sturdy anchors for extrinsic muscles.
Transparent layer at the most anterior region of the eye. Supplied with many pain receptors- can be very painful if anything gets in the eye, causes tear production and reflexive blinking. High regenerative and repair capacity, but doesn’t have any blood vessels. If there were blood vessels, we would be able to see them and it would obscure your vision.
Cornea functions
Functions- allows light to enter the eye, bends light as it passes.
Why don’t cornea transplants have a risk of rejection?
The cornea doesn’t have blood supply, so there is a lack of immune system supply.
Regions of the vascular layer of the eye (3)
This is the middle layer.
- Choroid
- Ciliary body
- Iris
Well vascularized layer, dark in color (to absorb light). Blood vessels here nourish surrounding layers of the eye
Ciliary body
The region of the eye that encircles the lens. Includes the ciliary muscle, ciliary processes, and suspensory ligaments
Ciliary muscle
Smooth muscle bundles that control lens shape
Ciliary processes
Secrete aqueous humor
Suspensory ligaments
Extend from ciliary processes to lens. Functions- holds lens in place, transmits tension from ciliary muscle to lens
The colored portion of the eye
What does the color of the iris depend on?
Color depends on amount of brown pigment in the eyes. People with blue eyes do have melanin, but in much smaller amounts. If you have no melanin at all, you would have red eyes (seen with albinism).
Central opening of iris that lets light enter the eye
What structures allow for constriction or dilation of the pupil?
Smooth muscle layers of iris allow for constriction or dilation of the pupil. Sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae
Sphincter pupillae
When contracted, the muscle becomes thicker and the pupil constricts
Dilator pupillae
When contracted, the pupil dilates
If an individual’s pupils are different sizes, what can that indicate?
Pupils that are different sizes are indicators of head trauma, “blown pupils”.
What factors influence pupil size?
With pupil size, we are concerned with levels of light, autonomic nervous system influence, and strong emotions- if you look at someone you love, your pupils will get larger (more light to see them better)
This layer contains all the photoreceptors of the eye. Two layers: the pigmented layer and the neural layer.
Pigmented layer of the retina
Lies against the choroid, most superficial. Pigment here absorbs light, phagocytes here help with photoreceptor renewal
Neural layer of the retina
Innermost layer of the retina, contains photoreceptor cells (rods and cones). Also contains bipolar cells and ganglion cells. Both are used to generate action potentials in response to light stimuli.
Used for dim light and peripheral vision. Only one visual pigment (photopigment) in rods- no color vision, and rod vision tends to be blurry. Most numerous, found mostly in retinal periphery. Several rods all synapse on a single ganglion.
Used for bright light and high resolution color vision- have low sensitivity to light. Found mostly in the fovea centralis and macula lutea. A single cone has 1 of 3 (red, green, or blue) visual pigments, and each cone synapses on its own ganglia.
Optic disc
Associated with the retina. This is the point at which the optic nerve exits the back of the eye. No photoreceptors are found here, causing a “blind spot”. The brain fills in the missing information, so we don’t notice the blind spot
Macula lutea
This is where retinal structures are displaced to the side. Result- light passes directly to photoreceptors- there is increased visual acuity here.
Fovea centralis
Associated with the retina- found at the center of the macula lutea. Contains only cones- provides extremely detailed color vision, but is only 1/1000th of the total visual field. This is why if you want to see something really clearly, you have to look directly at it
Anterior segment
The interior chamber located in front of the lens, contains aqueous humor
Aqueous humor
Watery fluid found in the anterior segment. It is continuously drained and produced. Functions- supplies nutrients and oxygen to structures in the anterior chamber and some retinal cells, removes waste.
People with glaucoma either have too much aqueous humor or aren’t draining it enough. Eventually the fluid will push on the optic nerve and increase the pressure in the eye.
Posterior segment
The interior chamber located behind the lens, contains vitreous humor
Vitreous humor
Jelly-like fluid found in the posterior segment. Functions- transmits light, stabilizes the lens, and holds the retina place, contributes to intraocular pressure. Vitreous humor lasts a lifetime.
Convex, transparent, flexible structure in the eye. Function- used to bend light as it enters the eye
Lens epithelium
Covers the anterior portion of the lens. Functions- coordinates metabolic activity of the lens, provides more cells for lens fibers.
Lens fibers
Makes up the bulk of the lens. Fibers are laid down over a lifetime, old fibers are not broken down. Disadvantage- the lens becomes thicker and more dense with time- loses ability to focus light. Older individuals have to hold objects farther away to see them
Distortion of vision due to thickening of the lens. Fibers clump together unevenly and they turn white in color, changing how light can pass through the lens- like looking through fog. Can only be fixed by replacing the lens
Human eyes only respond to
Electromagnetic radiation in the visible light spectrum (400-700 nm).
The color of a particular object is caused by
Which wavelengths are absorbed and which are reflected. Ex- green grass reflects green wavelength and absorbs others
What causes the color white?
The object reflects all wavelengths of light
What causes the color black?
The object absorbs all wavelengths of light
Light travels at a constant speed-
Through a given medium
Occurs when light travels at an oblique angle from one medium into a medium with a different density (ex- a straw in a glass of water).
In the human body, what structure is responsible for refraction of light?
The lens refracts light that enters the eye. Light rays bend so they converge at a single point- the focal point. However, the real image is upside down and reversed
Where is light bent as it enters the eye? (3)
Light is bent 3 times as it enters the eye:
1. Cornea
2. Anterior surface of lens
3. Posterior surface of lens
The cornea is mostly responsible for bending light, but it can’t change shape. The lens is used to fine tune refraction- forms a clear image
What structures are responsible for changing lens shape?
Ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments around the lens
Relaxation of the ciliary muscles causes
Increased tension in suspensory ligaments. Effect- suspensory ligaments are pulled tight
Contraction of the ciliary muscles causes
Decreased tension in suspensory ligaments. Effect- suspensory ligaments go slack
How does a flat lens affect vision?
A flat lens decreases refractory power because the light passes through the lens faster
Far point of vision
The point at which the lens no longer needs to change shape to focus light. In the normal eye, this is 20 feet. More parallel rays won’t need to be refracted as much and the lens doesn’t need to work as hard to bend light
When looking at a distant object, what is occurring with the light rays?
When looking at a distant object- light rays entering the eye are nearly parallel. Cornea and lens easily focus light on retina
When looking at a distant object, what is happening with the ciliary muscles?
Ciliary muscles are relaxed- the tension of the suspensory ligaments flattens the lens
Near point of vision
The closest point to face that still allows clear vision. In the normal eye, this is 4 inches. Anything closer than that would be blurry.
When looking at a close object, what is occurring with the light rays?
The closer an object is, the more divergent the light rays. Result- lens must work harder to refract and focus light
What 3 processes must occur for close vision?
- Accommodation of the lens
- Constriction of pupils
- Convergence of the eyes
Accommodation of the lens
Contraction of ciliary muscles. Effects- suspensory ligaments go slack- the lens bulges
Why do the pupils need to constrict for close vision?
It prevents divergent rays from entering the eye- would cause blurred vision
Why do the eyes need to converge for close vision?
Keeps object focused on foveae. The closer the object, the more the eyes must converge
Emmetropic eye
This is the “normal” eyeball shape- people whose eyes have this shape have 20/20 vision because the cornea and lens can focus light without help. The focal point is easily and efficiently focused on the retina
Elongated eyeball shape (past the focal point of the retina). Effect- objects are focused in front of the retina. More pronounced in distant objects. This results in nearsightedness- difficulty seeing far way.
What is the treatment for myopia?
Concave shaped corrective lenses
Shortened eyeball shape. Effect- objects are focused behind the retina. More pronounced in close objects. This results in farsightedness- difficulty seeing close objects
What is the treatment for hyperopia?
Convex shaped corrective lenses
Anatomy of rods and cones
The outer segment of the rod/cone is embedded in pigmented layer of retina. It contains photopigments (visual pigments) folded into discs. The inner segment is embedded in the neural layer of the retina
Part of the photoreceptor that responds to light- no other part will respond (looks like stacked coins)
Why is the outer segment of a rod longer than that of a cone?
Provides more photopigments to respond to light (for a higher sensitivity to light).
Rods and cones synapse with
Bipolar cells
Process of converting light energy into a graded receptor potential that begins when a photoreceptor catches light
How are photoreceptors different from typical neurons?
Normal rules for neurons don’t technically apply here- photoreceptors are very highly specialized neurons. Photoreceptors never create action potentials.
Cells involved in light processing (3)
- Photoreceptor cells
- Bipolar cells
3, Ganglion cells
Photoreceptor cells
Create graded potential in response to incoming light stimuli
Bipolar cells
Create either IPSP or EPSP- has an effect on the ganglion cell. Bipolar cells and ganglion cells do not respond to light
Ganglion cells
Generate action potential that is propagated along the optic nerve toward the visual cortex. Bipolar cells and ganglion cells will not react to light
How does darkness affect photoreceptor ion channels?
In the dark, photoreceptor ion channels are open. Result- receptor is depolarized to -40 mV. Allows positively charged ions to enter the photoreceptor and depolarizes it (in the absence of light- different from what we have seen)
How does light affect photoreceptor ion channels?
In the light, photoreceptor ion channels close
Result- receptor is hyperpolarized to -70 mV
This process uses a G protein signaling system
What occurs in the bipolar cell in darkness?
Ca +2 channels open in the terminal of the photoreceptor- neurotransmitter released between the photoreceptor and bipolar cells. Next, the neurotransmitter causes IPSP at bipolar cells.