Chapter 15: Neural Crest Cells Flashcards
T/F: adults have neural crest cells
false. adults do not.
neural crest cells are derived from ___
neural crest cells undergo an ____ ____ transition from the dorsal aspect of the ___ ____, after which they migrate along the ____-___ axis and generate different neural cell types.
neural crest cells undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube, after which they migrate along the anterior-posterior axis and generate different neural cell types.
neural crest cells are divided into 4 overlapping regions:
1) cranial (cephalic neural crest cells) 2) cardiac neural crest cells 3) trunk of neural crest cells 4) trunk of NC cells 5) vagal and sacral neural crest cells.

the ___ ____ are outpockets of the head and neck region into which neural crest cells migrate
pharyngeal arches
the pharyngeal pouches form between pharyngeal arches to become the ___, __, and ___
thyroid, parathyroid, and thymus,
cranial neural crest cells form ___ mesenchyme, which gives rise to:
cranial neural crest cells form CRANIOFACIAL mesenchyme, which gives rise to: cartilage, bone, cranial neurons, glia, pigment cells and connective tissues of the face. -also forms teeth primordia and bones of the middle ear and jaw.
Subregion of cranial neural crest cell location
cardiac neural crest cells. these extend from the ear placodes to third somites and will develop into melanocytes, neruons, cartilate CT of 3-6th pharyngeal arches. Also develops into muscular CT of large arteries from heart and septum
these neural crest cells extend from the ear placodes to third somites and will develop into melanocytes, neurons, cartilate CT of 3-6th pharyngeal arches. Also develops into muscular CT of large arteries from heart and septum
cardiac neural crest cell
the trunk neural crest cells can migrate two ways:
1) migration ventrolaterally, through the anterior half of each somitic sclerotome 2) migration dorsolaterally, allowing for melanocyte precursors to move through the dermis of the skin from the dorsum to the belly.

what is a sclerotome
they are blocks of mesodermal cells that will differentiate into vertebral cartilage of the spine.
trunk Neural crest cells in the sclerotimes form ___ ___ ganglia, and trunk neural crest cells that travel even more ventrally form the ____ ganglia, ___ ___ and nerves surrounding the aorta.
(this is the ventrolateral migration pathway of trunk neural crest cells)
trunk Neural crest cells in the sclerotimes form DORSAL ganglia, and trunk neural crest cells that travel even more ventrally form the SYMPATHETIC ganglia, ADRENAL MEDULLA and nerves surrounding the aorta.
____ AND ____ neural crest cells form the parasympathetic ganglia in the gut.
_____NC cells form the sympathetic ganglia through ventral migration
VAGAL AND SACRAL neural crest cells form the parasympathetic ganglia in the gut.
TRUNK NC cells form the sympathetic ganglia through ventral migration
____ crest cells overlap with cranial and trunk crests
neural crest cells are originally ___potent
multipotent. They can differeniate into different types of tissue depending on what they’re exposed to.
neural crest cells are multipotent. They can differeniate into different types of tissue depending on what they’re exposed to.
NC cells + ___ and ___ results in cartilage/bone formation
NC cells + ___ and ___ results in schwann cells
NC cells + ___,____, ___ and ___ results in neuron fomration
NC cells + ___, ___, ___and ___ results in melanocytes
NC cells + EDN1 and NPPC results in cartilage/bone formation
NC cells + NEURUGLULIN and EDN3 results in schwann cells
NC cells + NTS,NEUROTEURIN, GDNF and Nts results in neuron fomration
NC cells + Steel, Edn3, alphaMSHand Steel results in melanocytes

Neural crest cells are not identifyable until the emigrate (delamination) from the neural tube, but their induction and specification first occurs during ____ ____.
early gastrulation