Chapter 15 Fire Hose Flashcards
Standard on Fire Hose
NFPA 1961
A fire hoses measured diameter refers to what measurement?
The internal diameter.
What is the traditional length of fire hose in North America?
Used to connect the pumper to a hydrant or other water source.
Suction hose (intake hose).
Standard on Automotive Fire Apparatus.
NFPA 1901
Large diameter hose, minimum of 15’ long, used to connect a pumper to a pressurized source (hydrant). Sizes range from 2 1/2” to 6”. Has two female or non threaded couplings.
Soft Sleeve Hose
Non collapsible hose that operates under a vacuum. Used to draft water from a static water source. Generally comes in 10’ sections. Sizes 2 1/2” to 6”. Two female or non threaded couplings.
Hard suction hose
Standard for Fire Hose Connections.
NFPA 1963
NFPA 1963 requires that all brands of fire hose coupling threads have what?
What is the required thread type of fire hose called?
American National Fire Hose Connection Screw Threads. (National Hose)
What three types of alloys are used to make couplings?
Brass. Aluminum. Magnesium
Name three ways that couplings are manufactured.
Cast. Extruded. Drop Forged
Very weak. Only found on occupant type hose.
Lightweight and high strength. Usually made of aluminum. Stronger then cast couplings.
Made of brass or other malleable metals. Strongest and most expensive couplings.
Drop Forged
A male coupling attached to a female coupling is called what?
A set (three piece coupling)
Name three types of coupling lugs.
Pin, Recessed, Rocker
Lug found on older fire hose. Not used anymore due to catching.
Lug found on booster hose. Enables hose to be wound up into a reel. Pin-lug spanner used to break connection.
Modern fire hose lug. Prevents hose from catching on objects.
Rounded Rocker
Located on swivels of large intake supply or suction hose.
Handles or extended lugs.
Connected with locks or cams and not screw threads. Some have male and female ends, most are sexless.
Non threaded coupling
Name two types of sexless couplings.
Quarter turn. Stortz (turn 1/3)
T or F Can dirt become lodged into a sexless couplings grooves, giving the impression that it is a tight seal when it may not be?
Name six causes of fire hose damage.
Mechanical, Thermal, Organic, Chemical, Corrosion, Age deterioration.
Special cold resistance hose is rated for temps down to what?
Name three methods of removing frozen fire hose.
Melt the ice with a steam generating device. Chop the hose out with an axe. Wait until it has thawed.
Should fire hose that was frozen be service tested prior to being put back into service?
What types of fire hose can be affected by mold and mildew?
Hose with a woven jacket of cotton or other natural fiber.
If a fire hose has no been removed in ………… remove it, inspect it, sweep it, reload it.
6 months
When should fire hose be tested?
Annually and after sustaining possible damage or freezing
What type of hose should be completely dry before storing or reloading?
Cotton or cotton blend
What can fire hose be cleaned with?
Mild soap or bleach solution (5 percent in water)
Can chemical damage cause a separation of the outer jacket and the inner lining of a fire hose?
What should fire hose that has been exposed to acids or other caustic chemicals be cleaned with?
A mixture of bicarbonate of soda and water.
Do aluminum couplings develop a layer of corrosion that seals and prevents further corrosion?
How often should hose loads be removed and reloaded to prevent age deterioration?
Every six months
Because hose loaded on edge wears more quickly, manufactures recommend loading hose as a what?
Flat load
What should be done if fire hose needs to remain in a hose drying tower for a long period of time.
Change the hose/peg contact point.
NFPA 1962 requires hose to be tested when?
Annually and with in 90 days of being put in service.
The most common type of hose washing machine will wash hose up to what size?
How can couplings be prevented from swinging while hose is hanging in outside drying towers?
Lash or tie the ends.
When storing cotton fabric hose how should it be keep?
Packed loosely to facilitate air movement.
How can couplings be cleaned.
Female = twist in a bucket of water and soap. Male= wire brush, soap, water.
Used in large pump intakes and incorporates a flat baffle to turns 90 degrees.
Butterfly valve
Similar to a wye appliance. Incorporates a inlet and outlet of the same size along with multiple other outlets of smaller sizes. This configuration allow water to be taken from the main supply line at intervals in the line.
Water Thief Appliance. ( large diameter stortz manifold)
When a large volume of water is needed near the end of the main supply line, what can be used? Consist of one large diameter inlet and three 2 1/2” outlets.
LDH manifold. (aka: portable hydrant, phantom pumpers, large -diameter distributors)
When are hydrant valves used?
When a forward lay is made from a low pressure hydrant.
Name four functions of a Hydrant Valve.
Allow additional hose lines to be laid to the hydrant. Connect a supply pumper to the hydrant. Boost the pressure in the original supply line with out interrupting water flow. Allow the original supply line to be connect to the hydrant and charged before the arrival of another pumper.
Name the two main types of fittings.
Adapters and reducers.
Used to connect hose of similar size and threads.
Provide support for intake for intake or discharge hose at the pump panel.
When can intake strainers be placed on the bottom of a water source?
When the source is clean and hard, like a swimming pool.
How is a hose roller attached to a edge?
With a clamp or rope.
What two sizes are hose jackets made in?
2 1/2” and 3”
What other purpose can a hose jacket be used for beside going over ruptured hose?
Connect hose with mismatched or damaged screw thread couplings.
Name three types of hose clamps.
Screw down. Press down. Hydraulic press.
Apply at least 20’ behind the apparatus. Apply approx 5’ from the coupling on the supply side. Close and open slowly.
Hose clamp
Name four other uses of a spanner wrench other then tightening and loosening couplings.
Wedge for prying. Opening for gas utilities. Slot for pulling nails. Flat surface for hammering.
What two other uses can hose bridges be used for other then allowing vehicles to drive over lines?
Get hose out of contaminants, chaffing block.
Name three materials that chaffing blocks are made from.
Wood, Leather, Sections of old truck tires.
This hose load is used for transporting hose, storing hose, carrying spare sections of hose, and making hose loads easier.
Straight Roll
Hose roll used when hose will be deployed for use. Firefighter has control of both couplings. Hose rolls out easier with fewer twist or kinks. Holding both couplings enables quicker connections to other hose.
Donut Roll
Can be used on up to 3” hose. Works best on 1 1/2’ and 1 3/4’ hose. Purpose of the hose roll is to make a compact, easy to carry roll for situations like high rise packs /standpipes. Offset the couplings about 1’ so that they can be connected together when the roll is complete.
Twin Donut Roll
A twin donut roll with a built in carrying loop.
Self-locking twin donut roll
According to NFPA 1901 what is the minimum quantity of hose that must be carried on a pumper or engine.
800’ of 2 1/2” or larger supply hose. 400’ of 1 1/2’ or 1 3/4’ or 2’ attack hose.
Hose in a split hose bed should be stored so that both beds may be what? When a long hose lay is needed.
Name the three most common types of supply hose lays.
Flat. Accordion. Horse Shoe
Arrangement of hose usually placed on top of a hose load and connected to the end of the load.
Easiest supply hose load. Sutable for any size hose. Best way to load LDH.
Flat Load
How many inches from the front of the hose bed should be reserved for the couplings when loading LDH as a flat load?
12-18 inches
Name some advantages of a accordion hose load.
Easy to load with only 2-3 firefighters. A firefighter can take several folds and place it on their shoulder.
A supply hose load with the least amount of sharp bends. Does not work on LDH because the remaining hose in the bed will lay flat as it is being deployed.
Horseshoe Load
Used with split hose beds with threaded coupling hose. Load allows for a forward and/or reverse lay to be made. Can be loaded as a flat,accordion, or horseshoe load. Gives fire officers the greatest number of choices when deciding how to use limited resources. May be LDH on one side with smaller hose on the other.
Combination Load
Hose load that is added to the basic hose load to increase the versatility of the load. Normally provide enough hose to connect to a hydrant or be used as a attack line.
Name two categories of hose load finishes.
Those used for forward hose lays (straight finish). Those used for reverse hose lays ( reverse horseshoe and skid load).
The last section of hose arranged loosely back and forth across the top of the hose load. Any necessary appliances or tools are strapped at the female coupling.
Straight Finish
Made of one or two 100’ sections of hose, each connected to one side of a gated wye. Hose size of 1 1/2’, 1 3/4’, or 2 1/2’” used. A nozzle is attached to each line. Can be shouldered.
Reverse horse shoe finish
Consist of folding the last three sections of 2 1/2” hose into a compact bundle on top of the rest of the hose load. Begins by forming three or more loops then accordion folding the rest of the hose.
Skid Load Finish
Assembled in a way that provides enough attack hose for firefighters to operate from a standpipe, yet light enough for one person to carry.
High Rise Pack
What two purpose does a dutchman serve?
It changes the direction of a coupling. It changes the location of the coupling.
Load all large diameter hose (3’ or larger) couplings where?
In the front of the hose bed.
Where are preconnects located?
Anywhere but the main hose bed.
What range in length are preconnects usually?
A preconnect load that can be used for all sizes of attack hose but is mainly used for 2” and 2 1/2”.
Triple Layer Load
This preconnect load plays of the shoulder while the firefighter advances. Well suited for narrow hose beds. Can be awkward to carry if a SCBA is worn.
Minuteman Load
When laying supply hose what are two safety tips?
Drive no faster then 10 mph. Lay hose to one side of the roadway.
What end of a threaded coupling should come off first in a forward lay?
What type of supply lay is best when a pumper needs to be at the water source to either draft it or increase the pressure?
Reverse Lay
What end of a threaded coupling should come off first when doing a reverse lay?
T or F It is more efficient to connect a 4 1/2” or larger intake hose to a hydrant with only 2 1/2” outlets using the proper adapters?
Can hard intake hose marked “For Vacuum Use Only” be used for hydrant connects?
Refers to any number of ways to lay multiple supply hose with a single engine.
Combination Lay
What is the easiest way to advance a charged hoseline at ground level?
The working line drag
Where should hose line be laid in a stairwell?
To the outside.
In what case is it acceptable to connect to a standpipe on the same floor as the fire floor?
If the standpipe connection is located in a enclosed stairwell.
In a multi story structure what can you learn from observing the floor below the fire floor?
The layout.
If two hoseline are being deployed on the same fire floor, where should excess hose be placed?
One up the stairs, the other down the stairs.
How many stories must a building be for most building codes to require a standpipe system?
Three stories or greater.
Name two methods of improvised standpipes.
Interior stairway stretch. Outside stretch.
A labor intensive task used in stairways that have an open shaft or stairwell in the center. A uncharged hoseline is suspended in the middle of the stairs rather than laying it on the stairs and around corners. Hose should be secured to handrails in intervals.
Interior Stairway stretch.
Supply hose can be hoisted up to the desired floor via the exterior of the building with a rope. Supports can be secured to interior objects then tied back to the supply line about every three stories.
Outside Stretch
If a firefighter is to operate a nozzle off a aerial ladder, where does the aerial ladder tip need to be?
Touching the window sill.
When might one firefighter be assigned to operate a handline alone?
small ground cover fires, rubbish/trash fires, vehicle fire, small structure fire, overhaul.
What is the minimum amount of firefighters operating a handline on interior structure fires?
Stands 3’ behind the nozzle operator. Responsible for keeping the hose straight behind the nozzle operator.
Back up firefighter
T or F When two firefighters are assigned to handle a large hoseline, they may need a means of anchoring the hoseline to offset nozzle reaction.
When using three firefighters to control a large attack line where are the two firefighters behind the nozzle man located?
One standing behind the nozzle man, the third kneeling on the line. OR. All three standing in a line using a rope hose tool to offset the nozzle reaction.
What are two ways a single firefighter on a large attack line can reduce fatigue?
Use a hose strap or rope hose tool, or reduce the nozzle flow if conditions permit it. Limited maneuvering except for side to side motion.
What three things will be needed is a hoseline is going to be extended?
A hose clamp, spanner wrench, and the necessary amount of hose required for the wanted distance.
The end of a charged hoseline that is flowing water without a nozzle or valve to control the flow.
Open Butt
What is the safest way to control a loose hose line.
Closing the a valve at the pump or hydrant.
Name two other options of controlling a loose hose line other then closing a valve.
Hose clamp on a stationary section. Kink the hose at a point away from the break.
How many sections of hose are needed to replace any one ruptured section of hose?
Standard for Inspection, Care, and Use of Fire Hose, Couplings, and Nozzles and the Service Testing of Fire Hose.
NFPA 1962
When are service test of hose performed?
Annually. When hose has been repaired, When hose has been ran over by a vehicle.`
Hose testing should be done in a paved area with enough room to lay hose without bends or kinks. A slight grade is helpful for water drainage. If done at night the area should be what?
Well Lighted.
When should the pumper being used to test hose have had its gauges certified?
Within a year of the hose testing.
Has a 1/4” hole in the gate that permits pressurizing the hose but dose not allow water surge through the hose if it fails.
Hose Test Gate Valve.
What minimum PPE should be used when testing hose?:
A helmet
What side of the pumper should hose be connected when service testing?
The opposite side of the pump panel.
What is the max length of hose to services test?