Chapter 14 Vocab. Valerie Guevara. APGOV Flashcards
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations is the largest federation of unions in the United States.
Sentence: The AFL-CIO is made up of fifty-five national and international unions.
American Anti-Slavery Society
The American Anti-Slavery Society was an abolitionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan. Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave, was a key leader of this society who often spoke at its meetings.
Sentence: American Anti-Slavery Society helped freed slaves have a voice.
American Federations of Labor (AFL)
The American Federation of Labor was a national federation of labor unions in the United States founded in Columbus, Ohio, in December 1886 by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the Knights of Labor, a national labor union.
Sentence: American Federations of Labor is an important aspect of the work force.
Christian Coalition
The Christian Coalition of America, a 501 organization, is the successor to the original Christian Coalition created in 1989 by religious broadcaster and former presidential candidate Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson.
Sentence: Christian Coalition has ties to religious origins.
civic virtue
Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits important for the success of the community.
Sentence: Civic virtue linked to the concept of citizenship.
collective good
something of value (money, a tax write-off, prestige, clean air, and so on) that cannot be withheld from a group member
Sentence: During tax season many people claim collective goods.
disturbance theory
States that interest groups form primarily in opposition to other interest groups so as to counteract influence in their respective political domains.
Sentence: The disturbance theory says that interest groups form in response to threats.
economic interest group
Economic interest groups are one of the five broad categories of interest groups in the US. These groups advocate for the economic interest and benefits of their members.
Sentence: Economic interest groups vary and give aid to various issues.
free rider problem
The free-rider problem occurs when those who benefit from resources, public goods, or services do not pay for them, which results in an under provision of those goods or services.
Sentence: Social welfare is a form of a popular free rider problem.
Honest Leadership and Open
Government Act of 2007
The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 is a law of the United States federal government that amended parts of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.
Sentence: Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 is an important component of lobbying.
Interest group
An interest group is an organization of people who share a common interest and work together to protect and promote that interest by influencing the government.
Sentence: Interest groups vary greatly in size and tactics.
Jerry Farewell
Jerry Falwell Sr. was an American Southern Baptist pastor, televangelist, and conservative activist. He was the founding pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church, a megachurch in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Sentence: Jerry Farewell had ties to the baptist church.
seek to influence (a politician or public official) on an issue.
Sentence: Various bias can lobby a politician to change their stance.
Lobbying disclosure Act
The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 was legislation in the United States aimed at bringing increased accountability to federal lobbying practices in the United States.
Sentence: The Lobbying disclosure Act has been amended since it was enforced in the United States.
Lobbying, persuasion, or interest representation is the act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of officials in their daily life
Sentence: Being a lobbyist involves one who is an expert in persuasion.
Marian Wright Edelman
Marian Wright Edelman is an American activist for the rights of children. She has been an advocate for disadvantaged Americans for her entire professional life.
Sentence: Marian Wright Edelman is president and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund.
Moral Majority
a political action group formed in the 1970s to further a conservative and religious agenda, including the allowance of prayer in schools and strict laws against abortion.
Sentence: A moral majority is a component of religious agendas.
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
The National Association of Manufacturers is an advocacy group headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States, with additional offices across the country.
Sentence: Washington DC is the home of the National Association of Manufacturers.
National Rifle Association
The National Rifle Association of America is an American nonprofit organization that advocates for gun rights. Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related legislation since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against firearms legislation since 1975.
Sentence: The National Rifle Association funds several politicians and political campaigns.
Pat Robertson
Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson is an American media mogul, executive chairman, politician, televangelist and former Southern Baptist minister who advocates a conservative Christian ideology.
Sentence: Pat Robertson serves as chancellor and CEO of Regent University.
a person who finances an individual event or activity
Sentence: Many patrons aid political campaigns.
pluralist theory
Pluralism is a theory that centers on the idea of how power is distributed.
Sentence: The pluralist theory indicates that power is distributed among many groups.
Progressive movement
The Progressive Era is a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s.
Sentence: The main objectives of the Progressive movement was to eliminate problems.
political action committee
an organization that raises money privately to influence elections or legislation, especially at the federal level.
Sentence: Political action committees help politicians raise money for their campaigns.
public interest group
Public Interest Research Groups are a federation of U.S. and Canadian non-profit organizations that employ grassroots organizing and direct advocacy with the goal of effecting liberal political change.
Sentence: Public interest group leans towards the liberal side.
social capital
the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.
Sentence: The purpose of social capitals is to help aid society.
The Grange
The Grange, officially referred to as The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, is a fraternal organization in the United States that encourages families to band together to promote the economic and political well-being of the community and agriculture.
Sentence: Many families have been aided through the grange.
trade association
A trade association, also known as an industry trades; is an organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry.
Sentence: Many businesses are regulated through the trade association.
transactions theory
The theory of transaction cost economics, also called social cost theory, is a contractual concept developed by British economist Ronald Coase.
Sentence: The transactions theory has been refined by many economists throughout the years.
U.S Chamber of Commerce
The United States Chamber of Commerce is a business-oriented American lobbying group.
Sentence: The U.S Chamber of Commerce usually supports the Republican party.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union is an active international temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform
Sentence: The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union paved the way for future women who devoted their lives to social reform.