Chapter 14 objectives Flashcards
Olfactory ( I )
- Sensory
- Smell
Optic ( II )
- Sensory
- Vision
Oculomotor ( III )
- Motor ( Somatic & Autonomic )
- Movement of eyeball & upper lid
Trochlear ( IV )
- Motor ( Somatic )
- movement of eye balls
Trigeminal ( V )
- Mixed ( sensory & motor * Somatic * )
- Touch , pain, thermal sensations from scalp , face and oral cavity
- Chewing
Abducens ( VI )
-motor ( Somatic )
Movement of eyeballs
Facial ( VII )
- Mixed
- Sensory
- Motor ( Autonomic & Somatic )
- Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
- Touch , pain, temperature sensations from skin in ear canal
- Secreation of tears & saliva
Vestibulocochlear ( VIII )
- Sensory
- Hearing and equilibrium
Glossopharyngeal ( IX )
Mixed -Sensory Motor ( Somatic ) Motor ( Autonomic ) - Taste from anterior 1/3 of tongue - assists in swallowing -Monitors blood pressure and oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in blood
Vagus ( X )
- Mixed
- Sensory
- Motor ( somatic )
- Motor ( autonomic )
- Taste from epiglottis
- proprioception from throat and neck muscles
Hypoglossal ( XII )
- Motor
- Somatic
- Movement of tongue during speech & Swallowing
Accessory Nerve ( XI)
- Motor
- supply movement of skeletal muscles of neck
• Prosencephalon
• Mesencephalon
• Rhombencephalon
Cranial Meninges
- Dura Mater
- Arachnoid
- Pia mater
Dura special features
- forms venous sinus ( blood filled endothemim - lined vessel )
- no epidural space
What are the dural extentions
- falx cerebri ( separates 2 cerebral hemispheres
- flax cerebelli ( separates two cerebellar hemispheres
- Tentorium cerebelli
( separsted the cerebrum from cerebellum
Blood brain barrier ?
protects brain from harmful substances and pathogens by restricting passage into brain
does the BBB Consist of tight junctions & thick basement membrane of the capillaries
What do astrocytes do in BBB
regulate peremablity of the BBB by secreting chemicals
Internal carotid & vertebral arteries
Carry blood to brain
Internal Jugular veins
Return blood from brain
Metabolism and source of ATP
- 20% of oxygen & glucose is consumed ( weighs on 2% of body weight )
What passes through BBB
Oxygen, co2, Alcohol, Anesthetics,urea, Ions, creatine
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Helps exchange of nutrients and wastes between blood and nervous tissue & provides good environment for neuronal signaling
What are ventricles
cavities in brain filled with CSF & lined by ependymal cells
Lateral ventricle
- separated ANTERIORLY by septum
- start of anterior cerebellum
- 2
Third ventricle
- located in the diencephalon
Cerebral aqueduct
- located in mid brain
Forth ventricle
- end @ the medulla oboganta
- Located at the brain stem & cerebellum
Choroid plexus
Network of capillaries in wall of ventricles
Plasma drwan from Chorid plexus
- ependymal cells
- produces csf into ventricles via filtration
Arachnoid Villi
Collects CSF from superior sagittal sinus
Circulation of CSF
later ventricle > interventricular foramen > third ventricle> cerebral aqueduct > fourth ventricle> Subarachnoid Space
Medulla Oboganta
-most inferior
bulges on the anterior aspect of the medulla
- formed by corticospinal tract that passes from cerebrum to spinal cord
- site of ascending & descending tracts
Centers of Medulla
- Cardiovascular center
2. Respiratory center
Cranial nerves found in medulla
VII - XII ( 7-12)
- Contains both nuclei & tracts
- has gray & white matter
Nuclei in pons
pontine nuclei
- relays signals for voluntary movements that occur in cerebal cortex
Penumotaxia area & apneustic area
helps control breathing with medulla