Chapter 14: Instructional Strategies for ELL Classrooms Flashcards
_______ is a system of teaching and learning that focuses all elements of the educational experience, including teaching, assessment, grading, and reporting on standards that span all throughout a student’s schooling.
Standard base education
A succinct, clearly written description of what a student should know and be able to demonstrate at a particular point in his or her education; It looks at a progression over a period of time.
These standards are used to determine a student’s ______ , or level of mastery, at a particular point in his or her education.
_____ is a part of standards-based education that guides the choices of educators to create and deliver instruction that appropriately addresses specific standards.
Standards-referenced education
What are the 4 important factors of Standard Based Education?
- It ensures that students are progressing towards skills needed to succeed beyond K-12 schooling.
- It sets clear, shared expectations for schools, teachers, students, and parents.
- It looks at learning as a continual process of steps and it measures where each student is on the learning path.
- It creates a common language for communicating learning expectations to students and parents.
We use ________ language when we use material that isn’t specifically designed for ELL students; the set of sources of information that members of a language group use to communicate with other members of their group.
authentic language
What are the basic guiding principles, which are the set of considerations you should make regarding authentic language resources.
Choose context-appropriate material.
Check for comprehension.
Finally, design tasks to fit the language level of your students.
4 Authentic Text Activities to incorporate authentic language
Short stories
3 authentic listening and Video Sources students can talk about to incorporate authentic language.
- Movies
- Commercials
- News
3 Genuine Conversation activities to incorporate authentic language
- planning and. organizing an event
- conversations across the globe
- Phone conversation with local businesses
real materials, into the class helps ELLs make connections between lessons and the real world.
Why is a comprehensive strategy important?
All areas (writing, speaking, listening, and reading) are interrelated.
Speaking and _________ can be viewed as interconnected in an ELL classroom setting.
To avoid these obstacles (ELLS being discouraged) to learning , incorporate these five speaking and listening strategies:
- Write down key words and phrases on the board.
- Ask a student to summarize information you have just given using his or her own words.
- Preview new vocabulary before each lesson and review how that vocabulary was used after each lesson.
- Put students into small groups to discuss the main points of the lesson.
- Provide students with a lesson outline and encourage them to take notes during class.
______ and writing can be viewed as interconnected in an ELL classroom setting.
Incorporate these five integrated reading and writing strategies:
- Expose your students to a variety of reading sources
- Allow students to select their own material
- Assign some reading time
- Have students write summaries and paraphrase the reading material, and have them compare the information.
Motivated readers are often better _____.
A differentiated writing strategy to help English Language Learners build their confidence in writing is to give them _______, a sentence with missing words that the student can fill in, often using a word bank
sentence frames
Speaking your thoughts about the text aloud so students become familiar with the process of interacting with the text.
Think alouds
Where all students read aloud in unison along with the teacher.
choral readings
At the earlier stages of English proficiency, allow English learners to access reading materials in their native language. Other options are _____, _____, and _____.
At the earlier stages of English proficiency, allow English learners to access reading materials in their native language. Other options are bilingual books, graphic novels, and picture books.
5 differentiated reading strategies for ELL learners
- Read aloud to English Language Learners
- Try incorporating think-alouds into your reading
- Choral reading
- Partner reading
- Break down reading assignments into smaller portions.
3 differentiated speaking & listening strategies for ELL learners
- Foster a supportive learning environment where students can make mistakes
- Give ELLs authentic opportunities to communicate with native English speakers.
- During small group work, assign tasks to each student, and give low-proficiency students tasks that are less dependent on text.
How does a think-aloud help students with reading comprehension?
It teaches English Language Learners how to read fluently and interact with the text.
What kind of learning environment is most conducive to second language acquisition?
A welcoming environment where the teacher reduces student pressure by assuring them that mistakes are part of the learning process.
Why is it OK to allow beginner English learners to read texts in their native language?
Students who are literate in their native language are more successful with second language acquisition than those who are not.