Chapter 14 final exam questions Flashcards
The “systems” perspective views
Biological factors as the pivotal elements influencing development
Richard is openly affectionate with his two sons and enjoys spending a great deal of time with
them. Richard is high on the ________ dimension of parenting.
Parental control is most effective when
Parents explain their expectations and reasons for rules
Sean and Sybil’s parents hear an announcement on TV that asks, “Parents, do you know where
your children are?” Their answer is, “No, and we don’t really want to know where they are.”
Sean and Sybil’s parents are low on which dimension of parenting?
Parents who lay down rules for their children to follow without argument are showing which style of parenting?
________ parenting combines a fair degree of parental control with being warm and responsive to children
Authoritative parents
Are firm but warm and responsive to their children
Parents who are warm and caring but exert little control over their children have a(n) ________ parenting style
________ parents are neither warm nor controlling
Which of the following is an example of a blended family?
Biological father, stepmother, and two sons
Parallel play involves
Playing alone but maintaining interest in what other children are doing
Maleah and Mara are sitting at a table playing with play dough. They are each playing alone,
but occasionally look to see what the other is doing. Maleah and Mara are engaged in
Parallel play
When children engage in similar activities, talk or smile at one another, and offer each other toys it is referred to as
Associative play
Laura and Kyle are sitting next to each other and are drawing pictures. Periodically, they will trade crayons and comment on the other’s picture. This is an example of
Associative play
In ________ play, children organize their play around a distinct theme and take on special roles
based on the theme
Cooperative play
Playing “hide-and-seek” is an example of
Cooperative play
Make-believe play
allows children to explore topics that frighten them
When children playfully chase, punch, kick, shove, fight, and wrestle with peers, it is referred to as
Rough-and-tumble play
________ play is often useful in helping children explore fearful topics
Make believe
Which of the following is the most important component of friendships for preschool and
younger elementary-school children?
Children typically choose children who are ________ to be their friends
Like themselves
Dominic is well-liked by many of his classmates. Dominic would best be described as
children are disliked by many classmates
Class opinion is split about Shannon. Some of her classmates really like her, but others can’t
stand her. Shannon would be considered
________ children are neither liked nor disliked by classmates and often ignored
The systems perspective views
The family as a system of interacting elements, with parents and children influencing development
Parents who lay down rules for their children to follow without argument are showing which style of parenting?
Authoritarian parents exhibit a control and warmth
High; high
Parenting combines a fair degree of parental control with being warm and responsive to children