Chapter 14 Flashcards
How is the vendor selection process made up?
1: Create RFP
2: Gather proposal
3: Verify degree of fit
4: Create Assessment matrics.
What is an SLA?
Service Level Agreement
What does an SLA define?
Level of service you expect
Remedies or penalties
What is Saas?
Software as a Service (Gmail)
What is Paas?
Platform as a service
What is Iaas?
Infrastructure as a service
What is on premise traditional approach?
Within company wall
What is on-premise IT service outsourcing
Within company managed by vendor owned by company.
What is on-premise private cloud?
Within company wall managed and owned by company.
What is dedicated private cloud?
Located with service provider, owns and manages it not shared with others.
What is shared cloud?
Located, owned and managed by vendor shared with multiple companies.
What is public cloud
Located, owned, managed by vendor shared with public.
What is a supply chain?
System of organizations involved in the transformation of natural resources.
What is integration?
Gaining ownership or increased control over the supply chain.
What is horizontal integration?
Firms competitors