Chapter 14 Flashcards
first-night phenomenon
the disturbance of sleep observed during the first night in a sleep laboratory
K complex
a single large negative wave (upward deflection)
sleep spindle
a single large positive wave (downward deflection)
delta waves
the largest and slowest EEG waves
initial stage 1 EEG
the period of the stage 1 EEG that occurs at the onset of sleep; it is not associated with REM
emergent stage 1 EEG
all periods of stage 1 sleep EEG except initial stage 1; each is associated with REMs
REM sleep
the stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, loss of core muscle tone, and emergent stage 1 EEG
NREM sleep
non-REM sleep; all stages of sleep that aren’t REM sleep
slow-wave sleep
stages 3 and 4 of sleep, which are characterized by the largest and slowest EEG waves
sleep walking
activation-synthesis theory
the theory that dream content reflects the cerebral cortex’s inherent tendency to make sense of, and give form to, the random signals it receives from the brain stem during REM sleep
recuperation theories of sleep
theories based on the premise that being awake disturbs the body’s homeostasis and the function of sleep is to restore it
adaptation theories of sleep
theories of sleep based on the premis that sleep evolved to protect organisms from predation and accidents and to conserve their energy, rather than to fulfill some particular physiological need
executive function
a collection of cognitive abilities (e.g., planning, insightful thinking, and reference memory) that appear to depend on the prefrontal cortex
brief periods of sleep that occur in sleep-deprived subjects while they remain sitting or standing
carousel apparatus
an apparatus used to study the effects of sleep deprivation in laboratory rats
yoked control
the rat in the control condition when doing sleep deprivation tests with a carousel apparatus
default theory
theory that says it is difficult to stay continuously in NREM sleep, so the brain periodically switches to either wakefulness or REM sleep
circadian rhythms
diurnal (daily) cycles of body functions
nocturnal animals
animals that sleep for much of the day and stay awake at night
control the timing of
environmental cues, such as the light-dark cycle, that entrain circadian rhythms
free-running rhythms
circadian rhtthms that do not depend on environmental cues to keep them on a regular schedule
free-running period
the duration of one cycle of a free-running rhythm
biological clock
the internal clock that habitually runs a little slow unless it is entrained by time-related cues in the environment
internal desynchronization
the cycling on different schedules of the free-running circadian rhythms of two different processes
jet lag
the adverse effects on body function of the acceleration of zeitgebers during east-bound flights or their deceleration during west-bound flights
phase advance
when circadian rhythms are accelerated during east-bound flights
phase delay
when circaidna rhythms are decelerated during west-bound flights
circadian clock
an internal timing mechanism that is capable of maintaining daily cycles of physiological functions, even where there are no temporal cues from the environment
suprachiasmatic nuclei
nuclei of the medial hypothalamus that control the circadian cycles of various body functions
photopgiment found in retinal cells that respond to changes in background illumination and play a role in synchronizing circadian rhythms
the first circadian gene to be identified in mammals
cerveau isole preparation
an experimental preparation in which the forebrain is disconnected from the rest of the brain by a midcollicular transection
desynchronized EEG
low amplitude, high-frequncy EEG
encephale isole preparation
an experimental preparation in which the brain is separated from the rest of the nervous system by transection of the caudal brain stem
hypnotic drugs
sleep-promoting drugs
antihypnotic drugs
sleep-reducing drugs
a hormone that is synthesized from serotonin in the pineal gland and influences the circadian rhythm of sleep
a class of GABA agonists with anxiolytic, sedative, and antoconvulsent properties, drugs such as chlordiazepoxide and diazepam
disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep
5-hydroxytrypyophan (5-HTP)
the precursor of serotonin
pineal gland
the endocrine gland that is the human body’s sole source of melatonin
a substance that influences the timing of internal biological rhythms
disorders characterized by excessive sleep or sleepiness
sleep restriction therapy
one of the most effective treatments for insomnia where the amount of time that an insomniac is allowed to spend in bed is substantially reduced and is gradually increased in small increments
sleep apnea
a condition in which sleep is repeatedly disturbed by momentary interruptions in breathing
obstructive sleep apnea
sleep apnea that results from obstruction of the respiratory passages by muscles spasms or atonia (lack of muscle tone) and of ten occurs in individuals who are vigorous snorers
central sleep apnea
sleep apnea that results from the failure of the CNS to stimulate respiration
periodic limb movement disorder
recurrent involuntary movements of the limbs during sleep; a major cause of insomnia
restless legs syndrome
tension of uneasiness in the legs that is particularly prevalent at bedtime and is a major cause of insomnia
a disorder in the hypersomnia category that is characterized by repeated, brief daytime sleep attack and cateplexy
a disorder that is characterized by recurring losses of muscle tone during wakefulness and is often seen in cases of narcolepsy
sleep paralysis
a sleep disorder characterized by the inability to move (paralysis) just as a person is falling asleep or waking up
hypnagogic hallucination
dreamlike experiences that occur during wakefulness
nucleus magnocellularis
the nucleus of the caudal reticular formation that promotes relaxation of the core muscles during REM sleep and during cateplectic attacks
a neuropeptide that has been implicated in narcolepsy in dogs and in knockout mice
polyphasic sleep cycles
sleep cycles that regularly involve more than one period of sleep er day
monophasic sleep cycles
sleep cycles that regularly involve only one period of sleep per day, typically at night
sleep inertia
the unpleasant feeling of grogginess that is sometimes experienced for a few minutes after awakening