Chapter 13 Flashcards
endocrine glands
ductless glands that release chemicals called hormones directly into the circulatory system
exocrine glands
glands that release chemicals into ducts that carry them to targets, mostly on the surface of the body
chemicals released by the endocrine system directly into the circulatory system
the testes and the ovaries
the male gonads
the female gonads
sexual intercourse
sperm cells
cells produced in the testes
produced in the ovaries
sex chromosomes
the pair of chromosomes that determine an individual’s sex: XX for a female and XY for a male
X chromosomes
the large sex chromosones; females have two, males have one
Y chromosome
half of the sex chromosomes in males
amino acid derivative hormones
hormones that are synthesized in a few simple steps from amino acids
peptide hormones
hormones that are short chains of amino acids
protein hormones
hormones that are long chains of amino acids
steroid hormones
hormones that are synthesized from cholesterol
the class of steroid hormones that are released in large amounts by the ovaries
the class of steroid hormones that includes testosterone
the most common androgen
the most common estrogen
the class of steroid hormones that includes progesterone
a progestin that prepares the uterus and breasts fpr pregnancy
adrenal cortex
the outer layer of the adrenal glands, which releases glucocorticoics in response to stressors, as well as steroid hormones in small amounts
master gland
aka the pituitary gland
tropic hormones
the primary function is the influence the release of hormones from other glands
the pituitary tropic hormone that stimulates the release of hormones from the gonads
posterior pituitary
the part of the pituitary gland that contains the terminals of hypothalamic neurons
pituitary stalk
the structure connecting the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland
anterior pituitary
the part of the pituitary gland that releases trpic hormones
menstrual cycle
the hormone-regulated cycle in women of follicle growth, egg release, buildup of the uterus lining, and menstruation
one of the two major peptide hormones of the posterior pituitary; it facilitates reabsorption of water by kidneys and is thus also called antidiuretic hormone
one of the two major peptide hormones of the posterior pituitary, which in femals stimulates contractions of the uterus during labor and the ejaculation of milk during suckling
paraventricular nuclei
hypothalamic nuclei that play a role in eating and synthesize hormones released by the posterior pituitary
supraoptic nuclei
hypothalamic nuclei in which the hormones of the posterior pituitary are synthesized
neurosecretory cells
neurons that release hormones into general circulation
antidiuretic hormone
aka vasopressin
hypothalamopituitary portal system
the vascular network that carries hormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary
portal vein
a vein that connects one capillary network with another
releasing hormone
hypothalamic hormones that stimulate the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary
release inhibiting hormones
hypothalamic hormones that inhibit the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary
thyotropin releasing hormone
the hypothalamic hormone that stimulates the release of thyrptropin from the anterior pituitary
the anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates the release of hormones from the thyroid gland
thyroid gland
one of the largest endocrine glands that releases hormones
gonadotropin-releasing hormone
the hypothalamic releasing hormone that controls the release of two gonadotropic hormones from the anterior pituitary
follicle-stimulating hormone
the gonadotropic hormone that stimulates development of ovarian follicles
luteinizing hormone
the gonadotropic hormone that causes the developing ovum to be released from its follicle
organ that releases insulin
pulsatile hormone release
the typical pattern of hormone release, which occurs in large surges several times a day
two common standards- for humans, female and male
primordial gonads
the pair of gonadal structures that each fetus has in the early stages of development, regardless of its genetic sex
sry gene
a gene on the Y chromosome that triggers the release of sry protein, which in turn stimulates the development of testes
sry protein
a protein that causes the medulla of each primordial gonad to develop into a testis
wolffian system
the embryonic precursor of the male reproductive ducts
mullerian system
the embryonic precursor of the female reproductive ducts
seminal vesicles
hold to fluid in which sperm cells are ejaculated
vas deferens
sperm cells travel through these to the seminal vesicles
the upper part of the vagina, the womb
female sex organ that facilitates sexual intercourse and childbirth
fallopian tubes
tubes through which ova travel from the ovaries to the uterus, where they can be fertilized (aka oviducts)
mullerian-inhibiting substance
the testicular hormone that causes the precursor of the female reproductive ducts (the mullerian system) to degenerate and the testes to descend
the sac that holds the male testes outside the body cavity
the removal of the ovaries
the removal of the testes
the surgical removal of the gonads (testes or ovaries); castration
aka gonadectomy; surgical removal of the gonads
the external reproductive organs
bipotential precursor
both male and female genitals develop from the same precursor
grow into the head of the penis for the male or the clitoris for the female
grows out of the glands, the male sex organ
grows out of the gland; female sex organ that is a visible button-like portion near the front junction of the labia minora
urethral folds
fuse in the male or enlarge to become the labia minora in the female
labia minora
the inner lips, or two flaps of skin on either side of the vaginal opening
lateral bodies
form the shaft of the penis in the male or the hood of the clitoris in the female
labioscrotal swellings
form the scrotum in the male or the labia majora in the female
labia majora
the two prominent longitudinal cutaneous folds that extend downwind, the outer lips of the vagina
the transitional period between childhood and adulthood during which fertility is achieved, the adolescent growth spurt occurs, and the secondary sex characteristics develop
secondary sex characteristics
body features, other than the reproductive organs, that distinguish men from women
growth hormone
the anterior pituitary hormone that acts directly on bone and muscle tissue to produce the pubertal growth spurt
the adrenal androgen that triggers the growth of pubic and axillary hair in human females
axillary hair
underarm hair
sexual dimorphisms
instances where a behavior (or a structure) comes in two distinctive classes (male or female) into which most individuals can be unambiguously assigned
around the time of birth
an enzyme that promotes the conversions of testosterone to estradiol
the chemical process by which testosteron is converted to estradiol
aromatization hypothesis
the hypothesis that the brain is masculinized by estradiol that is produced from perinatal testosteron through a process called aromatization
alpha fetoprotein
a protein that is present in the blood of many mammals during the perinatal period and that deactivates circulating estradiol by binding to it
enhances or produces male characteristics
suppresses or disrupts female characteristics
proceptive behaviors
behaviors that solicit the sexual advances of members of the other sex
androgenic insensitivity syndrome
the developmental disorder of genetic males in which a mutation to the androgen receptor gene renders the androgen receptors defective and causes the development of a female body
adrenogenital syndrome
a sexual developmental disorder in which high levels of adrenal androgens, resulting from congenital adrenal hyperplasia, masculinize the bodies of genetic females
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
a congenital deficiency in the release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex, which leads to the excessive release of adrenal androgens
replacement injections
injections of a hormone whose natural release has been curtailed by the removal of the gland that normally releases it
unable to achieve a penile erection
inability to reproduce
a nonaromatizable androgen, restores the copulatory behavior of castrated male primates (but not in male rodents)
the portion of the estrous cycle characterized by proceptivity, sexual receptivity, and fertility
estrous cycle
the cycle of sexual receptivity displayed by many female mammals
anabolic steroids
steroid drugs that are similar to testosteron and have powerful anabolic (growth-promoting) effects
testicular atrophy
wasting away of the testes
breast growth in men
excessive growth of body hair
medial preoptic area
the area of the hypothalamus that includes the sexually dimorphic nuclei and that plays a key role in the control of male sexxual behavior
sexually dimorphic nucleus
the nucleus in the medial preoptic area of rats that is larger in male than in females
lateral tegmental field
the medial preoptic area appears to control male sexual behavior via a tract that projects to this area of the midbrain
ventromedial nucleus
a hypothalamic nucleus that is thought to be involved in female sexual behavior
progesterone receptors
sexual identity
the sex (male or female) that a person feels himself or herself to be
fraternal birth order effect
the finding that the probability of a man’s being homosexual increases as a function of the number of older brothers he has
maternal immune hypothesis
the hypothesis that mothers become progressively more immune to some masculinizing hormone in their male fetuses; proposed to explain fraternal birth order effect
a disorder of sexual identity in which the individual believes that he or she is trapped in a body of the other sex
surgical sexual reassignment
surgery to change one’s sex