Chapter 13 Vocab & Questions Flashcards
Attitudinal View
the theory of congressional voting behavior which assumed that members vote on the basis of their own beliefs because the array of conflicting pressures on members cancel out one another
Bicameral Legislature
a legislative assembly composed of two seperate houses such as the US Congress, which consists of the HoR and Senate
Closed Rule
Order from the House Rules Committee that sets a time limit on a debate and forbids a bill from being amended on the floor
Cloture Rule
rule used by the senate to end or limit debate
Committee on Committees
assigns senators to standing committees
Concurrent Resolution
an expression of opinion without the force of law that requires the approval of both the House and the Senate but not the president
Congressional Caucus
an association for members of Congress created to advocate a political ideology or a regional or economic interest
Conservation Coalition
An alliance of conservative Democrats with the Republicans for voting purposes
Discharge Petition
a means by which the House can remove a bill stalled in committee
a means by which senators can extend debate on a bill in order to prevent or delay its consideration
House Rules Committee
the group that decides what business comes up for a vote and what the limitations on debate should be
Joint Resolution
Resolution that is essentially the same as a law and is used to propose constitutional amendments
Marginal Districts
districts in which the winner got less than 55% of the vote
committee revisions of a bill
Millionares club
a traditional pejorative name for the united states senate
Multiple Referral
the process through which a bill is reffered to several committees that simultaneously consider it in whole or in part
Organizational View
rxplanation of congressional voting which suggests members of Congress respond primarily to cues provided by their colleagues
an assembly of party representatives that chooses a government and discusses major national issues
Party Caucus
A meeting of the members of apolitical party to decide questions of policy
Party Polarization
indicated by votes in which a majority of voting Democrats oppose a majority of voting Republicans
Party Vote
the extent to which members of a party vote together in the House or Senate
Party Whip
han individual who assists the party leader in staying abreast of the concerns and voting voting intentions of the party members
Representational View
explanation of congressional voting that is based on the assumption that members want to get reelected and vote to please their constituents
Restrictive Rule
a rule issued by the RUles Committee that permits some amendments to a bill but not to others
unrelated amendments added to a bill
Safe districts
districts in which the winner got more than 55% of the votes
the system under which committee chairs are awarded to members that have the longest continuous service on the Committee
Sequential referall
the process through which a bill is reffered to second committee after the first is finished