Chapter 13 - Stress and Health Flashcards
What is stress?
dynamic state brought on by a situation that threatens or appears to threaten ones well being and ability to cope
Primary Appraisal (Cognitive-Mediational Theory, Lazarus)
we asses the situation and determine its severity and implications for us
ex. i have an exam next week worth 20%. i have to do well so i can major in psych
Secondary Appraisal (Cognitive-Mediational Theory, Lazarus)
we consider our ability to cope with the event (evaluate the resources we have)
ex. thats ok, ive been reviewing and did well on the first exam and i still have another week to review
Cognitive-Mediational Theory (Lazarus)
perceptions of control greatly impacts appraisal and experience; perception must be realistic
stress from positive stressors
stress from unpleasant stressors
Stress Inoculation
promotes resiliency to stresses of life; post traumatic growth
Two main biological pathways activated during stress
Sympathetic Nervous System and Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenal axis (HPA axis, endocrine system)
Stress pathway through SNS
activates adrenal medulla > releases norepinephrine and epinephrine > rise in heart rate, BP, respiration, muscle tension energy; decrease in digestion, blood vessel construction
Stress pathway through HPA axis
hypothalamus stimulates pituitary gland to release ACTH > stimulates adrenal cortex > releases cortisol > increases blood sugar, metabolism, energy
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome
- Alarm: body’s reaction to initial exposure to stressor as resources are mobilized (flight/fight/freeze)
- Resistance Body’s attempt to stabilize of stressor continues
- Exhaustion: organism is depleted of energy and can no longer offer resistance; results in death
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) releases when…
stressors activate the hypothalamus which stimulates the pituitary gland and releases it into the blood stream
_____ stimulates the adrenal glands to release ____
ACTH; cortisol
anything that triggers a stress response; can be acute or chronic
Immune System
defense system from viruses. bacteria, and abnormal cell growth
foreign substances causing antibodies to be produced
large proteins that bind to antigens to better identify threats
Immune system cells
killer cells and cytotoxic T cells; bind to and destroy foreign substances identified by antibodies
decreased effectiveness of the immune system making a person susceptible to infection/disease/illness
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
studies the links between stress, the immune system, and health
____ response can inhibit ____ production
HPA; lmphocyte
note. Bartrop demonstrated suppression of lymphocyte activity in recently widowed women
Type A personality
always tense/stressed, little patience, time pressured, aggressive, uptight
sometimes know as Coronary Prone Personality
Type B personality
patient, no sense of urgency, laid back
chronic disease obstructing the respiratory system leading to breathing difficulties
continuous pain in head/neck, migraines, tension headaches most popular
mental and behavioural efforts we engage in to deal with stressful situations
problem-focused coping
deals with stressor directly; used if you have control over stressor ex. talking out roommate difficulties
emotion-focused coping
focused on managing feelings about the stressor; used when you have no control over situation ex. eating, avoidance, etc
perceived control
belief in our ability to exert control over life’s outcomes; if one sees themselves as having no control they can develop learned helplessness (belief of being powerless
____’s 1960s learned helplessness experiment
Seligman; involved dogs and electric floors and learned helplessness
Social Support
the extent to which a person can rely on friends/family/acquaintances during stressful times; advice, guidance, encouragement; connectedness is related to reduced mortality
exercise (stress reduction techniques)
benefits mental and physical wellbeing; physically fit people are more resistant to stress; prevents telomere shortening; minimizes negative impact to hippocampus
meditation (stress reduction techniques)
reduces sympathetic arousal; effective in treating high blood pressure
long-term state based on one subjective well-being; 3 elements: pleasant life, good life, meaningful life
Positive affect
pleasurable engagement with the environment; greater social connectedness, adaptive coping, lower depression
general tendency to look on the brightside; linked to longevity and better immune response