Chapter 13 Statistical quality control Flashcards
deviation in the output of a process that can be clearly identified and managed
assignable variation
deviation in the output ofa. process that is random and inherent in the process itself
common variation
the range of values in a measure associated with a process that is allowable givent he intended use of the product or service
upper and lower specification limits
as variation is reduced, quality is ______
quality characteristics that are measured in actual weight, vilume, inches, centimeters, or other measure
quality characteristics that are classified as either conforming or not conforming to specification
techniques for testing a random sample of output from a process to determine whether the process is producing items within a prescribed range
statistical process control (SPC)
standard _____ _____ have a center line and upper/lower control limits. these are specific to the data type being observed
control charts
- uses x-bar and r-charts
- used to monitor both the average (mean) and variation (range) of a process over time by plotting the average subgroups on one chart and the range of each subgroup on a seperate chart
variable data (continuous)
- uses p-charts (% of defects)
- to monitor the proportin of defective items in a process
attribute data (discrete)
a process that appears to be performing as expected is said to be
in control or stable
incorrectly concludes “in control “
type 2 error
when we incorrectly conclude a process to be “out of control”
type 1 error