Chapter 13: Sports Psyc Flashcards
Higher performing athletes do not have different personality traits, but a different _______ _______.
psychological state
What is the Iceberg profile of a successful athlete?
Scores LOW on: tension, depression, anger, fatigue, confusion
Scores HIGH on: vigour
What is eustress?
Positive stress (optimal)
How does trait anxiety differ from state anxiety?
Trait anxiety is is more persistent and experienced on a daily basis, whereas state anxiety is temporary and normal for everyone
Explain the relationships that cognitive and somatic pre-competition anxiety have on performance
Cognitive: linear relationship
Somatic: inverted U relationship
Is the physiological sensation (arousal level) of anxiety cognitive or somatic?
Somatic state anxiety
What is achievement motivation?
Athlete’s predisposition to approach or avoid a competitive situation
Describe the McClelland-Atkinson model of achievement motivation
IM~> intrinsic motivation
CSA~> cognitive state anxiety (fear of losing)
An athlete believing they will win is an example of high self-efficacy. What are 4 factors affecting its levels?
Successful previous performance
Vicarious experience (watching someone else do the task before you)
Verbal persuasion (pep talk)
Emotional arousal