4 Phases of infection
incubation period, prodomal stage, period of invasion, convalescent period
- Incubation Period
- time period
time from initial contact to the appearance of first symptom
- microbe multiplying but damage insufficient to cause symptoms
hours to YEARS
- Prodromal Stage
- Period of Invasion
- high level multiplication
- microbe is well established
- specific symptoms
- Convalescent Period
responding to the infection and symptoms are declining
Localized infection
microbe is confined in a specific tissue
ex) urinary bladder infection
Systemic infection
infection spreads to diff sites and tissue fluids
- usually in the bloodstream
Focal infection
infectious agent breaks loose from local infection and is carried to other tissues
“a localized infection that can lead to chronic and acute disease at another location in the body”
infection is localized but the toxins are carried by blood
- diphtheria
Mixed infection
SEVERAL microbes are growing at infection site
- polymicrobial
wounds that do this: gas gangrene, dental cavities, bite infections
Primary vs Secondary infection
primary: initial infection
secondary: happens during OR after treatment for another infection
ex) yeast infec after taking antibiotics
Acute vs Chronic Infections
acute: RAPID onset w SHORT lived effects
chronic: progress and persist over time
Evidence of infection: signs vs symptoms
signs: objective evidence of disease by observation
symptoms: subjective evidence of disease sensed by the PT
earliest symptoms from activation of the body’s defenses
- fever
- pain
- swelling
- soreness
signs of inflammation
- edema (accum fluid)
- granulomas and abscesses: walled off collection of inflammatory cells and microbes
- lymphadenitis: swollen lymph nodes
what cell in the body does NOT have MHC1
Infections change # of circulating WBCs: 3 ways
leukocytosis: inc WBC
leukopenia: dec WBC
septicemia: microbes multiplying in blood in large #’s
Septicemia: bacteremia vs viremia
bacteremia: small #’s of bacteria present in blood, not necessarily multiplying
viremia: small #n of viruses present, not necessarily mult.
Asymptomatic/Subclinical Infections
host does NOT show signs of disease even though they ar infected
- symptoms not recognizable/silent so person does not seek help
ex) STDs
Portals of Exit
- respiratory (mucus, sputum, nasal, saliva)
- skin scales
- fecal
- urogenital tract
- removal of blood
skin, poop, blood!