legislative action whereby an act or omission, formerly criminal, is made noncriminal and with out punitive sanctions
restorative justice
mediation between victim and offender whereby offenders accept responsibility for their actions and agree to reimburse victims for their losses
alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
procedure whereby a criminal case is redefined as a civil one and the case is decided by an impartial arbiter, where both parties agree to amicable settlement. Reserved for minor offenses
social process whereby offenders acquire undesirable characteristics as a result of imprisonment or court appearances
informal conflict resolution through the intervention of a trained negotiator who seeks a mutually agreeable resolution between disputing parties
impartial arbiters
persons such as judges, attorneys or prominent citizens who are called upon to be objective and neutral third parties in disputes between perpetrators and their victims under conditions of restorative justice or alternative dispute resolution
victim impact statement
informations or version of events filed voluntarily by the victim of a crim, appended to the psi report as a supplement for judicial consideration in sentencing the offender.
victim compensation programs
any plans for assisting crime victims in making social, emotional, and economic adjustment
victim offender reconciliation
any agreement between the victim and the perpetrator concerning a satisfactory arrangement for compensation for injuries or financial losses sustained
victim offender reconciliation project (VORP)
form of alternative dispute resolution, whereby a civil resolution is made by mutual consent between the victim and an offender; objectives are to provide restitution to victims, hold offender accountable for crime committed and to reduce recidivism
pretrial diversion
removing a case from the criminal justice system, while a defendant is required to comply with various conditions
diversion programs
one of several programs preceding formal court adjudication at charges against defendants
community service
an alternative sanction requiring offenders to work in the community at such tasks
stipulation by the court that offenders must compensate victims for their financial losses resulting from crime .
community service orders
judicially imposed restitution for those convicted of committing crimes some form of work must be performed to satisfy restitution requirements
damages assigned to be paid by a defendant a defendant found liable in a civil action
Victims of Crime Act of 1984
significant act that authorized establishment of U.S. Sentencing Commission, instituted sentencing guidelines provided for abolition of federal parole, and devised new guidelines and goals of federal corrections
specialty courts
courts set up as an alternative to traditional criminal court processing and that focus on specific type of offense or offenders