Chapter 13 Flashcards
The nominal diameter of the barrel of a firearm
A complete bullet, propellant, and primer assembly
Composed of unburned or partially burnt propellant powder, particles from the ammunition primer, grease, lubricants, and metals from the cartridge as well as the weapon itself
Cartridge discharge residue (CDR)
A type of ammunition cartridge in which the primer is in the center of the base of the cartridge case
Center fire
A propellant that burns from the outside of the granule inward
Degressive burning powders/propellants
A material used to treat propellants in order to slow the rate of burn
Experiments conducted to estimate the distance from a firearm barrel to a target
Distance determinations
Propellant in which the main ingredients are guncotton and nitroglycerin
Double base smokeless powder
Composed of unburned or partially burnt propellant powder, particles from the ammunition primer, grease, lubricants, and metals from the cartridge as well as the weapon itself
Firearm discharge residue (FDR)
A presumptive test used in the analysis of GSR
Greiss reagent/test
A propellant made by treating cotton with nitric and sulfuric acid
Consists of all of the particles that are expelled from the muzzle of a gun following the discharge of a bullet
Gunshot residue (GSR)
A series of grooves spiral cut into the barrel of a firearm
Lands and grooves
A propellant that burns evenly throughout the granule due to pores and holes that expose more surface area
Neutral burning powder/propellant
Made by treating cotton with nitric and sulfuric acids; attaches nitro groups to cellulose
Nitrocellulose (NC)
Compounds that originate from the propellant and lubricant
Organic gunshot residue (OGSR)
A propellant that burns slowly at first due to a deterrent
Progressive burning powders/propellants
Scoring of lands and grooves in a spiral pattern in the barrel of a firearm
A type of ammunition, typically small caliber (0.22) in which the primer is wrapped around the periphery of the case
An older name for KNO3, potassium nitrate
Propellant in which the main ingredient is guncotton
SIngle base smokeless powder
Propellant in which the main ingredients are guncotton, nitroglycerin, and nitroguanidine
Triple base powder
A presumptive test used in distance determinations and analysis of GSR
Walker test