Chapter 12: Social Psychology Flashcards
What Is Social Psychology?
the study of the ways in which thoughts, feelings, perceptions, motives, and behaviors are influenced and transactions between people
Social Reality
-a phenomenon that emerges through social interactions
-it is constructive in nature
-occurs because people selectively encode what is happening in terms of what they expect to see and want to see
Confirmation Bias
tendency to attend to only information that confirms out existing beliefs
Attribution Theory
describes the ways the social perceiver uses information to generate ‘casual’ explanations
The Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)
represents that people have the tendency to:
-overestimate dispositional (internal) factor
-underestimate situational (external) factor
when searching for the cause of other people’s behaviour
The Actor-Observer Bias
states that people often use:
-situational attributions to explain their own behhaviours
-disposition attributions to explain the behaviours of other people
Self-Serving Biases
leads people to take credit for their successes while denying or explaining away responsibility for their failures
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
are predictions made about some future behaviour or event that modify behavioural interactions so as to produce what is expected
Bahavioural Confirmation
the process by which someone’s expectations about another person actually influence the second person to behave in ways that confirm the original hypothesis
Prejudice Is Formed In Two Steps
1) Social Categorization
2) In-group Bias
Out-Group Homogeneity
the belief that outsiders are all alike
Contact Hypothesis
co-operative action on a shared goal to reverse prejudice
The Milgram Experiment (shock punishment)
demonstrated obedience to authority
The Stanford Prison Experiment(assigned prisoners and guards)
demonstrated situational attribution of behaviour
The Asch Effect (line test)
demonstrate normative influence on conformity
Sherik’s Autokinetic Effect (light spot) (norm crystallization)
demonstrate informational influence on conformity