Chapter 12 -- Running Water Flashcards
The Hydrologic Cycle
1st Event
Insolation turns liquid water into vapor and transports it into the atmosphere.
What is running waters main role on Earth?
Modifying the earth’s land surface.
The Hydrologic Cycle
2nd Event
Rain, snow, hail. Condensed water that returns to the surface.
The Hydrologic Cycle
3rd Event
Precipitation collects and moves on the earth’s surface
The Hydrologic Cycle
4th Event
Water percolates into the ground and moves through pore spaces in the sediment and rock.
The Hydrologic Cycle
5th Event
Water vapor escapes through plants
The Hydrologic Cycle
6th Event
Water is “locked away” into ice sheets
This takes water out of the cycle.
The water moves as a continuous film of water flowing over the surface.
_____ Flow
Sheet Flow
Water id confined to long trough like depressions
_______ Flow
Channel Flow
_________ is the average slope of the channel bed and varies from steep to gentle along its course, being steepest near the head and gentlest toward its mouth.
_________ a measure of distance water travels in a given amount of time. This varies downstream as well as along a cross section of a stream in response to changes in channel roughness, width, and depth, slope and discharge
________ is the volume of water that passes a given point in a given amount of time. Generally increases downstream due to tributary inputs of water.
What are these three types of load associated with running water?
- Chemically weathered materials
- Smaller particles
- Larger particles…Saltation rolling and sliding.
- Dissolved Load
- Suspended Load
- Bed Load
Sand and gravel are deposited as bars that divide the main channel into many channels. This develops when sediment supply exceeds the transport capacity.
Braided Streams
A single channel with broadly looping curves with two distinct regions: Cutbank and Point Bar.
Meandering Streams
Water that periodically overflows in the channel and spreads sediment over flat lying areas making it a very fertile region is what?
Floodplain Deposits
As the channel reaches the ocean it will form a _______.
As deposition continues, progradation occurs as sediment is continually supplied by the channel.
Deposits of gravel and sand deposited on land. Forms most commonly in arid and semiarid regions having high rates of erosion. There is little vegetation to stabilize material.
Alluvial Fans
Controlling floods is done mostly through ______ and ____.
Levees and Dams
Other ways floods can be controlled.
_____ are special channels built to divert flood waters.
_____ have gates that can be closed to protect communities from flooding.
______ _______ receive runoff from streams and contributing tributaries.
Drainage Basins
_____ _____ is the lowest part to which any stream can erode. These may be control erosion and deposition.
Base Level
__________ occurs when a stream has excess energy to deepen its course.
_________ _______ occurs at the upstream end of the valley and results in stream piracy.
Headward Erosion