Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue Flashcards
How are the endocrine system and the nervous system different?
The endocrine system communicates by chemical messenger (hormones). The nervous system communicates by employing electrical and chemical means to send messages from cell to cell.
What is the 4 step function of the nervous system?
- Sense organs receive information about changes in the body
- They transmit messages to the brain and spinal cord (CNS)
- CNS processes this information and relates it to past experiences and determines its response
- CNS issues commands to muscles and gland cells to carry out a response
What are afferent and efferent neurons? What fibers are they made of?
- Afferent neurons are sensory neurons (they lead into the CNS)
- the somatic fibers come from skin, skeletal muscle, and joints
- visceral fibers from internal organs
- Efferent neurons are motor neurons (they lead out of the CNS)
- somatic fibers to skeletal muscles (somatic NS)
- visceral fibers to smooth muscls, cardiac muscle, or glands (Autonomic NS)
- Remember, neurons are not the SAME
What are the two subdivisions of the nervous system and their basic components?
- Central nervous system
- Brain and spinal cord
- Peripheral Nervous System
- rest of nervous system, composed of nerves and ganglia
- Nerve-bundle of nerve fibers (axons) wrapped in fibrous connective tissue
- Ganglion: knotlike swelling in a nerve where neuron cell bodies are concentrated
- rest of nervous system, composed of nerves and ganglia

Describe the motor division of the PNS
- Somatic (voluntary) nervous system
- motor neurons to skeletal muscle tissue
- only 1 motor neuron is used
- somatic reflexes: involuntary muscle contractions
- Autonomic (involuntary) nervous system
- motor neurons to smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, exocrine glands and endocrine glands
- 2 motor neurons used
- autonomic/visceral reflexes-involuntary responses
What are the 2 principal cell types of the nervous system?
- Nerves
- excitable cells that transmir electrical signals
- functional units of the nervous system
- Neuroglia
- supporting cells
What are the universal properties of neurons?
- Excitability (irritability)
- response to environmental changes called stimuli
- produce an electrical signal
- Conductivity
- conduct the electrical signal to other cells
- Secretion
- when an electrical signal reaches the end of nerve fiber, secretes a neurotransmitter that influences the next cell
What are the functional classes of neurons?
- Sensory (afferent) neurons
- detect stimuli and transmit information to CNS
- Interneurons (association neurons)
- connects motor and sensory pathways to CNS
- makes decisions (integrating center)
- about 90% of all neurons
- Motor (efferent) neuron
- send signals out to muscles and gland cells (the effectors)
What is the structure of a neuron (and the functions of its structures)?
- Soma
- control center of neuron
- nucleus with one nucleolus
- no centrioles
- extreme longevity
- Dendrites
- branches that come off the soma
- receives signals from other neurons
- the more dendrites, the more info can be received
- Axon (nerve fiber)
- transmits signals away from soma
- only one (or none)
- mostly unbranched
- may be enclosed in myelin sheath
- axoplasm = cytoplasm
- axolemma = cell membrane
- Distal end has terminal arborization
- Synaptic knob (terminal button)
- contains synaptic vesicles full of neurotransmitters

What are the structural types of neurons?
- Multipolar neuron
- one axon and multiple dendrites
- most common (most neurons in CNS)
- Bipolar neuron
- one axon and one dendrite
- olfactory cells, retina, inner ear
- Unipolar neuron
- single process leading away from the soma
- sensory cells from skin and organs to spinal cord
- Anaxonic neuron
- many dendrites but no axon
- retina, brain, and adrenal gland

What is axonal transport?
- A process that transports proteins to the axon or axon terminal to repair axolemma or transport organelles
- Two way passage
- anterograde transport: movement down the axon away from the soma
- retrograde transport: movement up the axon toward the soma
- Uses microtubules
What are the numbers and functions of neuroglia cells?
- There are about 1 trillion in the nervous system
- outnumber neurons by at least 10 to 1
- Protect neurons and help them function
- Bind neurons together and form framework for nervous tissue
- In fetus, guide migrating neurons to their destination
- If mature neuron is not in synaptic contact with another neuron, it is covered with glial cells
What are the 4 types of neuroglia in the CNS?
- Ogliodendrocytes
- form myelin sheaths in CNS
- Ependymal Cells
- line internal cavities of the brain
- secrete and circulate cerebrospinal fluid
- Microglia
- WBCs that wander through CNS looking for debris and damage
- Astrocytes
- most abundant glial cell in CNS
- covers brain surface and most nonsynaptic regions of neurons in the gray matter (framework)
- forms blood/brain barrier
- convert glucose to lactate for neurons
- secrete nerve growth factors
- communicate electrically with neurons
- absorb excess neurotransmitters and ions
What is astrocytosis/ sclerosis?
When neuron is damaged, astrocytes form hardened scar tissues and fill in space.
What are the two types of neuroglia cells in the PNS?
- Schwann cells
- produce a myelin sheath around axons in PNS
- Assist in regeneration of damaged fibers
- axon ONLY can regenerate
- Satellite cells
- surround / protect the neurosomas in ganglia of the PNS
- provide electrical insulation around the soma
- regulate the chemical environment of the neurons
What is myelin sheath / myelination?
- Insulation around a nerve fiber (axon)
- formed by ogliodendrocytes in CNS and Schwann cells in PNS
- Consists of the plasma membrane of glial cells
- 20% protein and 80% lipid
- Myelination: the production of myelin sheath
- begins at 14 weeks of fetal development
- proceeds rapidly during infancy
- completed in late adolesence
- dietary fat is important to CNS development
What is myelin sheath in the PNS v. CNS?
- In the PNS
- entire schwann cells spirals repeatedly around single nerve fiber
- one hundred layers of membrane
- no cytoplasm between membranes
- Neurilemma: outermost coil of myelin sheath
- contains nucleus and most of its cytoplasm
- external to neurilemma is basal lamina and endoneurium
- entire schwann cells spirals repeatedly around single nerve fiber
- In the CNS
- an ogliodendrocyte myelinates several nerve fibers in its immediate vicinity
- does not migrate around like Schwann cells
- must push new layers of myelin under older ones, so spirals in toward nerve fiber
- no neurilemma or endoneurium
- an ogliodendrocyte myelinates several nerve fibers in its immediate vicinity
What is the structure of myelin?
- Myelin sheath is segmented
- Nodes of ranvier: gaps between segments
- Internodes: myelin covered segments
- Initial segment: section between the axon hillock and the first glial cell
- Trigger zone: the axon hillock and the initial segment
- important in initating nerve signal
What are brain tumors in relation to glial cells?
- Tumors are masses of rapidly dividing cells
- in the nervous sytem, come from meninges, metastasis from other tumors (e.g. melanoma), and glial cells
- Gliomas grow rapidly and are highly malignant
- Blood brain barrier decreases effectiveness of chemotherapy
- treatment consists of radiation or surgery
How do nerve fibers regenerate?
- Only the peripheral nerve fiber can regenerate and only if the soma is intact
- Steps:
- fiber distal to injury degenerates
- soma swells, ER breaks up
- Axon stump spouts multiple growth processes
- Schwann cells, basal lamina, and neurilemma spout regeneration tube
- Once contact is reestablished, soma shrinks
- nucleus returns to normal shape
- atrophied muscle fibers grow

What are the diseases of myelin sheath?
- Multiple sclerosis
- ogliodendrocytes and myelin sheath in CNS deteriorate
- Myelin replaced by hardened scar tissue (“sclerosis”)
- Nerve conduction disrupted
- (double vision, tremors, numbness, speech defects)
- Onset between 20 and 40 years
- Cause my be autoimmune
- Tay-Sachs disease
- Hereditary disorder of Easter European infants
- Abnormal accumulation of ganglioside disrupts conduction of nerve signals
- blindness, loss of coordination, and dementia
- fatal before age 4
What is the conduction speed of nerve fibers?
- Speed at which a nerve signal travels along the surface of a nerve fiber
- Depends on two factors:
- Diameter of fiber
- larger fibers = more surface area = conduct signals faster
- Presence or absence of myelin
- myelin further speeds signal conduction
- Diameter of fiber
- Examples: slow signals are sent to gastrointestinal tract where speed is less of an issue
- Fast signals sent to skeletal muscles where speed improves balance and coordinated body movement
What are the problems with nerve fiber generation?
- It takes up to 2 years
- some nerve fiber connect with wrong muscle fibers and some die
- Regeneration of damaged fibers in CNS does NOT happen
Define the following: electric potential and electric current
- Electric potential: a difference in concentration of charged particles between one point and another
- Electrical current: a flow of charged particles from one point and another
- in the body, currents are movements of ions
- gated channels are opened or closed by various stimuli
- enables cells to turn electrical currents on and off
What is Resting Membrane Potential?
- Cell is positive outside the membrane and negative inside the membrane
- potential energy difference at rest is -70 mV
- cell is polarized
- Unequal distribution of electrolytes between ECF and ICF
- High concentration of Na outside and K inside
- potassium has the greatest influence on RMP
- High concentration of Na outside and K inside
How do potassium and sodium affect RMP?
- Potassium has the greatest influence on RMP
- highly permeable
- leaks out until electrical charge of cytoplasmic ions attract it back in and equilibrium is reached
- more concentrated in ICF
- Sodium has some influence on RMP
- not very permeable
- more concentrated in ECF
- some sodium leaks into cell (diffusion)
- Sodium leakage makes RMP slightly less negative
- Na+/K+ pump moves out 3 sodium for every 2 potassium
- this exchange contributes about -3mV to RMP of -70 mV
What are the 3 steps of changes in membrane potential?
- Depolarization (less negative)
- Repolarization (returns to RMP)
- Hyperpolarization (more negative)
- will inhibit electrical impulse
What are local (graded) potentials?
- short distances (die out quickly)
- on dendrites and cell bodies
- sodium gates open in response to chemicals, light, heat, or mechanical stimulation
- size of signal depends on stimulus strength
- membrane will either:
- depolarize (leads to action potential)
- hyperpolarize (prevents an action potential)
- keeps you from twitching all the time
What are the steps of an action potential?
- An action potential is a rapid up and down shift in the membrane voltage involving a sequence of steps
- arrival of an axon hillock depolarizes membrane
- depoloarization much reach threshold: critical voltage (-55 mV) to open voltage regulated gates
- voltage gated sodium channels open
- sodium enters and depolarizes cell
- opens more channels (positive feedback)
- as membrane potential rises above 0mV, sodium channels are inactivated and close
- voltage peaks at +35mV
- slow potassium channels open and outflow of K polarizes cell
- Cell hyperpolarizes
- RMP is restored as sodium leaks in and potassium is removed by astrocytes

What are the characteristics of an action potential?
- often called a “spike” (happens so fast)
- only a think layer of cytoplasm next to cell membrane is affected
- small amount of ions involved
- follows an all-or-none law
- threshold is or is not reached
- Nondecremental (do not get weaker with distance)
- Irreversible (cannot be stopped one started)
What is the refractory period?
- The period of resistance to stimulation
- During an action potential and for a few milliseconds after it is impossible to stimulate that region of a neuron to fire again
- Absolute refractory period: cannot produce another AP
- Relative refractory: can produce another AP but only with a superstimulus
How do local anesthetics work?
- Novocaine and lidocaine
- Nerve impulses cannot pass the anesthetized region
- prevent voltage-gated sodium channels from opening
What causes intesity of sensation with action potential?
- frequency of stimulus
- number of neurons
Compare action potentials in the nerve v. the muscle
- Location
- nerve: only on the axon
- muscle: entire sarcolemma
- Resting Membrane Potential
- nerve: -70 mV
- muscle: close to -90mV
- Duration
- nerve impulse: 1/2 to 2 msec
- skeletal musle: 1-5 sec
- Cardiac and smooth muscle: 10-300 msec
- Speed
- fastest nerve impulse is 18 times faster than a muscle fiber
What is continuous conduction in nerve tissue?
- Unmyelinated fibers have voltage gated channels along their entire length
- Produce action potential along entire length of axon
- baby steps v. giant steps
- chain reaction continues until the nerve signal reaches the end of the axon
- Produce action potential along entire length of axon
- Myelinated fibers generate an action potenital in each Node of Ranvier
- very fast
- ‘Saltatory Conduction’
What are synapses?
- A presynaptic neuron may synapse with a dendrite, soma, or axon of postsynaptic neuron to form axodendritic, axosomatic, or axoaxonic synapses
- A neuron can have an enormous number of synapses
- spinal motor neurons covered by about 10,000 synaptic knobs
- In the cerebellum of the brain, one neuron can have as many as 100,000 synapses
What are the types of synapses?
- Electrical
- spreads through gap junctions
- faster
- two-way transmission
- can’t make decisions
- wake up in AM, some emotions
- Chemical
- one way transmission
- from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic neuron
- uses neurotransmitters
- most thinking
- one way transmission
What is the structure of a chemical synapse (pre-synaptic v. post-synaptic)?
- Synaptic knob of presynaptic neuron contains synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitter
- Postsynaptic neuron membrane contains proteins that function as receptors and ligand-regulated ion gates
How do chemical synapses work?
- nerve impulses reach the axonal terminal of a presynaptic neuron and open calcium channels
- neurotransmitter is released into synaptic cleft via exocytosis
- neurostransmitter crosses synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on postsynaptic neuron
- Postsynaptic brain permeability changes
- causes excitatory (E-PSP)
- post synpatic potential
- or inhibitory (IPSP) effect
- causes excitatory (E-PSP)
What are the categories of neurotransmitters?
- More than 100 identified
- Four major categories:
- acetylcholine
- in a class by itself
- formed by acetic acid and choline
- broken down by Acetylcholine Esterase (AChE)
- amino acids
- monoamines
- synthesized from amino acids
- broken down by Monoamineoxydase (MAD)
- Include the catecholamines
- epinephrine
- norepinephrine
- dopamine
- histamine
- serotonin
- neuropeptides
- chains of 2 to 40 amino acids
- acetylcholine
How are neurotransmitters removed?
- Diffusion
- move down concentration gradient away from synapse
- Enzymatic degradation
- E.g. AChE or MAD
- Uptake by neuron or glial cells
- neurotransmitter transporters
What is neural integration?
- The ability to process, store, and recall information and use it to make decisions
- Chemical synapses allow for decision making
- brain cells are very well connected allowing for complex integration
- trade off: chemical transmission involves synaptic delay that makes info slower than it would be with no synapse
What are post synaptic potentials?
- Different neurotransmitters cause different types of postsynaptic potentials in the cells they bind to
- A neurotransmitter might excite some cells and inhibit others, depending on the type of receptors the postsynaptic cells hae
- ACh and norepinephrine work this way
- ACh excites skeletal muscle but inhibits cardiac muscle because of different ACh receptors
Define the following: summation (temporal and spatial)
- Summation: the process of adding up postsynaptic potentials and responding to their net effect
- one neuron can receive input from thousands of other neurons
- some produce ESPs and some ISPs
- neuron’s response depends on whether the net input is excitatory or inhibitory
- occurs in trigger zone
- Temporal summation: occurs when a single synapse generates ESPS so quickly that each is generated before the previous one fades
- Spatial summation: occurs when ESPS from several different synapses add up to threshold at an axon hillock
Define the following: facilitation and inhibition
- Facilitation: a process in which one neuron enhances the effect of another
- Presynaptic inhibition: process in which one presynaptic neuron suppresses another one
- opposite of faciliation
What is strychnine poisoning?
- In spinal cord, Renshaw cells normally release an inhibitory transmitter (glycine) onto motor neurons preventing excessive muscle contraction
- Strychnine binds to and blocks glycine receptors in the spinal cord
- Causes a tetanus
What is Alzheimer’s disease?
- A disease that causes 100,000 deaths a year
- affects 11% of population over 65 and 45% by age 85
- memory loss for recent evets, moody, combative, lose ability to talk/walk/ear
- show deficiencies of acetylcholine and nerve growth factor (NGF)
- Diagnosis confirmed at autopsy
- atrophy of gyri folds in cerebral cortex
- Neurofibrilliary tangles and senile plaques
- formation of B-amyloid protein (from breakdown of plasma membrane)
- Treatment
- block AChE or NGF (inhibitors)
- clear B-amyloid or halt its production (caused serious side effects)
What is Parkinson’s disease?
- Progressive loss of motor function beginning in 50s or 60s
- no recovery
- Degeneration of dopamine releasing neurons
- Dopamine normally prevents excessive activity in motor centers (basal nuclei)
- Involuntary muscle contractions
- facial rigidity, slurred speech, pill rolling motion, illegible handwriting, slow gait
- Treatment: drugs and physical therapy
- dopamine precursor (L-dopa) crosses brain barrier
- bad side effects on heart and liver
- MAO inhibitor slows neural degeneration
- surgical technique to relieve tremors
- dopamine precursor (L-dopa) crosses brain barrier