chapter 12 Flashcards
humanistic psychology
the approach to personality that emphasizes aspects of psychology that are distinctly human
8 elements of humanistic psychology
- humanistic
- holistic
- historic
- phenomenological
- real life
- positivity
- will
- value
study of humans, not animals
human system is greater than sum of its parts
whole person from birth to death
focus on interior, experiential, and existential aspects of personality
real life
person in nature, society, and culture- not just in the lab
joy, fruitful activities, virtuous actions and attributes
choices, decisions, voluntary actions
a philosophy of life that describes what is desirable
ones conscious experiences of the world
your particular experience of the world
the task of observing ones own mental processes
the approach to philosophy that focuses on conscious experience (phenomenology), free will, the meaning of life, and other basic questions of existence
the 3 parts of experience
- umwelt
- mitwelt
- eigenwelt
biological experience such as the sensations a person feels of being a live animal
(pleasure, pain, heat, cold, bodily sensations)
social experience such as feelings and thoughts about others and oneself in relation to them
the experience of experience itself; the result of introspection
the era, location, and situation into which a person happens to be born
the anxiety that stems from doubts about the meaning of life; also called existential anxiety
(3 sensations: anguish, forlornness, and despair)
bad faith
turn to materialistic things to ignore angst
authentic existance
accepting mortality by being honest, insightful, and morally correct
the fundamental idea of “nonself” - that the single, isolated self is an illusion
the recognition that all things are temporary and, therefore, it is best to avoid attachments to them
the serene state of selfless being that is the result of having achieved enlightenment
Rogers: self actualization
a person can only be understood from the perspective of their phenomenal field
(entire panorama of conscious experience)
Maslow: the hierarchy of needs
Basic physiological needs, food water, ect. > safety, security, comfort, sex > belonging, social activity > status, esteem > self-actualization
conditions of worth
the idea that we’re taught that we are god and valuable people only if we fulfill certain criteria
Kelly’s personal constructs theory
- constructs as bipolar dimensions (opposite)
- chronically accessible constructs
*comes from past experiences
principle of parsimony
the idea that all other things being equal, the simplest theory is the best
sociality corollary
the principle that understanding another person requires understanding that persons unique view of reality
constructive alternativism
you choose the construal’s you use
positive psychology
- focuses on “positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions”
- find meaning of life which involves happiness and working through things to gain happiness
core virtues
- courage
- justice
- humanity
- temperance
- wisdom
- transcendence
to be explicitly aware of and in control of every moment of your experience
a state of consciousness where you lose track of time and self by becoming completely absorbed in what you are doing
individuals encounter an entity that is vast and challenges their worldview
- overall satisfaction with life
- satisfaction with how things are going in particular life domains
- generally high levels of positive emotions and low levels of negative emotion
views of happiness
seeking happiness through the pursuit of pleasure and company
seeking happiness through developing one’s full potential, helping others, and building community