Chapter 11 - The appointment of Hitler as chancellor Flashcards
When was Brunings coalition government in power?
March 1930 - May 1932
What was Bruning’s main economic policy?
Reduce state expenditure by cutting welfare benefits
What was Bruning known as?
Hunger chancellor
How many people were unemployed in February 1932?
Over 6 million
When did Bruning impose a ban on the SA?
April 1932
Why did Bruning impose a ban on the SA?
In an attempt to stop street violence
What did Papen say about the Nazis?
That they were useful allies in his quest to establish government of ‘national concentration’
When did Papen lift the ban from the SA?
June 1932
Who experienced a loss of support in July 1932?
What did Hitler say he needed to be to take participate in a coalition government?
How many seats and votes did the Nazis lose in the November 1932 election?
34 seats
2 million votes
Why did Nazis lose vote in November 1932?
Middle class voters had been alienated by Hitler’s attacks on Papen by his refusal to join coalition government without being leader
What did the Nazis support in November 1932 during the election campaign?
A communist led-transport strike in Berlin
What did Papen want to use the army for?
To enforce an authoritarian style of government rule
Why did Papen have to resign?
Schleicher informed him that the army would no longer support him
Who was Hindeburgs army officer?
Oskar Von Hindeburg - President’s son
Who was the civil servant that was part of Hindenburg’s key circle?
Dr Otto Meissner
When was Schleichers government?
December 1932 - January 1933
What did schleicher think he need to do to be successful?
For the Nazis to join a coalition government with him
Who was the Nazi party leader?
Gregor Strasser
What did Schleicher ask Hindeburg for?
- Dictatorial powers
- Suspend constitution
- Dissolve Reichstag
Why did Papen and Hindenburg believe that they could control Hitler?
Because he was poorly educated and inexperienced in government