Chapter 11 Respiration Flashcards
What are various organs for gas exchange?
o Gills
o Lungs
o Gas bladders
o Swim bladders
o Skin and other membranes
What is a partial pressure and how does it drive gas exchange?
o Measure of the composition of the mixture of gases, percentage of it will be considered a partial pressure
o Each percentage gives partial pressure
o Mixture of air shown on previous slide
o Size of container a factor; bigger the container, lower the pressure (and vice versa)
o At a constant temperature in a compressible container, the pressure of a gas is inversely related to its volume
How does surface area of a respiratory surface influence gas exchange?
Partial pressure gradient:
▪ Moves from high partial pressure to low partial pressure, across respiratory membrane
▪ - If particles can move through respiratory membrane, considered semipermeable
▪ Larger surface area of the respiratory membrane = more diffusion
Gas exchange
Respiratory medium (water, air) into contact with respiratory surface = gas exchange
Unidirectional ventilation
o Water through mouth, water through muscles, water flows across gills and then gas exchange takes place
o Seen In fish
o One way path
Bidirectional ventilation
breathing process in which air flows into and out of the lungs through the same pathways during inhalation and exhalation, typical of most mammals
o Goes in and then back out the way it came, two way path
o oxygenated air comes in, mix with some deoxygenated air that leaves
o - Steady oxygen in lungs to always keep inflated
Name the three general mechanisms for ventilation
Water and Air(Buccal and Aspiration)
Water ventilation
Cilia: Tiny hair-like structures that beat in coordinated waves to move water over respiratory surfaces, facilitating gas exchange.
Dual Pump: A mechanism in fish where a buccal (mouth) cavity and an opercular (gill cover) cavity work together to create a continuous flow of water over the gills.
Air: Buccal Pump
- positve pressure
Two-Stroke Type: Involves two phases where air is drawn into the buccal cavity and then pushed into the lungs.
Four-Stroke Type: Involves four phases where air is drawn into the buccal cavity, compressed, pushed into the lungs, and then expelled.
Air: Aspiration Pump
- negative pressure
Ventilation: Air is drawn into the lungs by creating a negative pressure in the thoracic cavity, primarily through the contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
Elastic Recoil: Refers to the natural tendency of the lungs to return to their original size after being stretched during inhalation, causing exhalation by pushing air out.
Primary Lamellae
- structure on fish gill
These are the large, finger-like projections extending from the gill arches, providing the main surface for gas exchange.
Secondary lamellae
- fish gill structure
- These are the smaller, perpendicular structures on the primary lamellae that greatly increase the surface area for efficient gas exchange.
Afferent filament vessel
- fish gill structure
- This vessel carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the gill filaments for oxygenation
Efferent Filament vessel
- fish gill structure
- This vessel carries oxygenated blood away from the gill filaments to the rest of the body
Why do lampreys sometimes use tidal ventilation?
o Because the adult lamprey’s mouth often is attached to prey, water must alternatively enter as well as exit via pharyngeal slits
o Gill ventilation in the lamprey, unlike most fishes, is tidal
o Cannot breathe unidirectionally while attached to prey/fish
o Use muscles of pharynx to pump water in and out on gills, this is tidal ventilation (done while feeding only usually)
What is the function of the velum in hagfishes?
o Scrolling and unscrolling of the velum, one on each side, together with synchronized contractions and relaxations of the branchial pouches, produces a current of water
o Water brought in through nostrils
o Pulled in by current created by structure of roof of pharynx, velum
o Velum unfold, generates current to draw water in
o Brachial pouches
Septal Gill Structures
Respiratory unit includes branchial and parabranchial pouch
o Surrounding unit:
▪ Primary and secondary lamellae
▪ Gill aterties by brachial pouch
▪ Flap valve near parabrachial pouch
▪ Gill ray down the middle
Shark ram ventilation (gills)
o Ram ventilation: swim with mouth open, constantly ventilates lungs
o - Sharks usually have to keep moving to breathe/ventilate gills
Shark gill ventilation : buccal pumping
o Flap valves close during inhalation and that relative pressures are always lower in the parabranchial chamber than in the pharynx
o Buccal pump adjacent/positive pressure adjacent
o Open mouth and spiracle, draws water into mouth
o Outside gills: flaps close
o Water moves unidirectionally across the gills in a pulsing but continuous flow