Chapter 11 Quiz Flashcards
Title meaning “universal ruler” that was given to the Mongol leader Temujin in 1206 after he united the Mongols.
Chinngis Khan
Emerging out of an Islamic reform movement among the Sanhaja Berber pastoralists in the eleventh century, This empire incorporated a large part of northwestern Africa with its capital in Marrakesh. In 1086 it crossed into southern Spain where it offered vigorous opposition to Christian efforts to conquer the region. The empire had collapsed by the mid-twelfth century.
Almoravid Empire
Name later given to the massive plague pandemic that swept through Eurasia beginning in 1331; it is usually regarded as an outbreak of bubonic plague
Black Death
Grandson of Chinggis Khan (ca. 1217-1265) who became the first il-khan (subordinate khan) of Persia.
Hulegu Khan
Grandson of Chinggis Khan who ruled China from 1271 to 1294.
Quiblai (Kubilai) Khan
A Mongol princess (ca. 1260-1306) whose exploits in battle and wrestling, along with her choice of husbands, provide insight into the relative freedom and influence of elite Mongol women in their societies.
Name given to Russia by the Mongols after they conquered it and incorporated it into the Mongol Empire in the mid-thirteenth century; known to Russians as the “Khanate of the Golden Horde.”
Kipchak Khanate
Leader of the Xiongnu Empire who united tribes in central Asia
An ancient nomadic-based people that formed a state or confederation north of the agriculture-based empire of the Han Dynasty.
Xiongnu Empire
Way of life in which people depend on the herding of domesticated animals for their food.
Birth name of the Mongol leader better known as Chinggis Khan (1162-1227).
Nomadic people from central Asia who threatened settled empires
Mongol dynasty that ruled China from 1271 to 1368; its name means “great beginnings.”
Yuan Dynasty
Third son of Genghis Khan. Sent Mongol armies to invade Kiev/Russia, Hungary, Poland and Northern China.
Ogedei Khan
Four regional Mongol kingdoms that arose following the death of Chinggis Khan.
Extensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions
Mongol state that ruled Persia after abolition of the Abbasid empire in the thirteenth century
Societies that rely on domesticated animals and unproductive land
Pastoral societies
Empire centered in Persia that fought wars with Byzantium
Seljuk Turkic Empire