Chapter 11: HR and BP Flashcards
premature beat
What causes a heart murmur?
faulty valve (and other conditions)
regularly variation that occurs in HR
sinus arrhythmia
when a beat comes before the expected beat
extrasystole (premature beat)
“lubb” corresponds to _____
closing of AV valves
“dupp” corresponds
closure of the semilunar valves
Wave of increased pressure that begins with ventricular contraction in the heart and travels along the arteries
Detect at wrist, neck; normally equivalent
to heart rate, but can be hard to detect if heartbeat is
weak or obstructed
Pulse rate
True or false: Pulse rate tends to be lower in women than in men.
False; tends to be lower in men.
What is BP due to?
The force exerted against the walls of the vessels
What is cardiac output a function of?
HR x stroke volume
What determines BP?
cardiac output and vessel resistance
Which type of BP tells you the rate of blood flow into the capillaries.
What does diastolic BP tell you?
Reflects measure of peripheral resistance by
small arterioles and rate of blood flow into capillaries
What does systolic BP tel you?
Reflects force of ventricular contraction and arterial resistance
What is the average newborn BP?
90/55 mm Hg
Normal BP for an older adult.
Range for pre-hypertension
120-130/80-89 (either)
Range for stage 1 hypertension
140-159/90-99 (either)
Range for stage 2 hypertension
> 160/>100 (either)
Range for low BP
<90/<60 (either)
Why do women’s BP reading increase in mid-50s?
True or false: BP is higher in the venae cavae than in the venules.
Why does BP decline sharply in arterioles?
Arterioles regulate the pressure of blood entering the delicate capillaries.
Which vessels regulate BP of blood going into the capillaries?
Why are leg muscles important for getting blood back to the heart?
Because venous BP is very, very low (almost 0).
What determines cardiac output?
HR x stroke volume
What determines peripheral resistance?
1) Blood vessel diameter
2) Vessel elasticity
3) Blood viscosity
4) Total blood volume
Ultrasound to monitor blood flow through heart
Measures electrical activity of heart
What test would you use to watch blood flow move through different parts of the heart?
What percentage of people have high BP but don’t know it?
1 in 4
True or false: BP tends to be higher in infants than in adults.
How does the body try to control blood pressure?
1) Heart reduces cardiac output.
2) Blood vessels dilate.
3) Kidneys excrete excess fluid in urine.
What percentage of people do not know they have hypertension?
What types of pain relievers can raise BP?
What is the problem with high blood pressure?
It causes overwork of the heart, leading to heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney problems, or eye problems.
What do the kidneys release into circulation when BP is too low?
Renin (this leads to angiotension II conversion in the lung by ACE)