Chapter 11 Flashcards
The proper sequence for capacity planning is:
- Forecast sales for each product line
- Forecast sales for individual products
- Calculate labor and equipment requirements to meet product line forecasts.
- Project labor and equipment availabilities over the planning horizon.
As developed in our book, which of the following costs is not a “class of costs” that is considered in locating a facility?
Raw material or supply cost.
Which of the following methods for selecting a new location utilizes statistical analysis?
Flexible workers:
have a broad range of skills.
Which of the following is NOT a strategy for adding capacity:
The best operating level is:
the level of capacity for which average unit cost is minimized
In recent years many large, inefficient American steel mills have closed down largely due to competition from smaller, more efficient Japanese mills. The American mills are experiencing:
Diseconomies of scale
Selecting a manufacturing facility close to raw material supplies would be appropriate for products that:
decrease in weight and volume during the manufacturing process.
Agile manufacturing has to do with:
The ability to react to changes in the marketplace.
The capacity to deliver what the customer wants within a lead time shorter than the competitors is referred to as:
Capacity flexibility
Which of the following regarding facility decisions is TRUE?
Front-of-the-house service facilities typically require larger capital investment compared to back-of-the-house service facilities.
Barnum and Bailey Circus is cited as suggesting which of the following capacity-related concepts?
Flexible plants.
Japanese bank in California are cited as an example of:
The most appropriate or important goal for selecting a facility location for a service with direst customer contact is typically to seek
Maximum revenue generation
Which of the following methods for selecting a new location focuses on minimizing distribution costs?
Center of gravity method.
According to the authors, excessive capacity may result in:
Price reductions, work force underutilization, and additional product offerings.
Long range capacity planning should be the responsibility of:
top management.
Which of the following methods for selecting a new location is capable of incorporating qualitative factors?
factor-rating system.