Chapter 11 Flashcards
Are groups that the organisation interacts with and that have a vested interest in, or impact on, the organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives.
Refers to any free news stories about a businesses product or services.
Uses paid non-personal messages communicated through mass media to the public.
Refers to how a business is perceived by the world at large, especially consumers.
Image audit
Is an independent check of the accuracy of an images perception.
Public relations campaign
Is a series of public relations activities undertaken to achieve a specific objective.
Are the assorted public relations communication strategies available to convey the image to the selected public.
Risk management
Is the process of identifying the risks to which a business is likely to be exposed and determining the best way to deal with them.
Crisis communication plan
Outlines the policies and procedures to follow when handling unfavourable publicity and news personnel when a crisis occurs.
Public relations evaluation
Is a thorough and systematic review of the public relations objectives, strategies and tactics.
Performance indicators
Measure the degree of achievement of a specific objective.
Focus group
Is an informal small group discussion to discover opinions and attitudes.
Video release
Is a news release containing video footage and a commentary.
Public relations ethics
Is the moral evaluation of public relations activities as right or wrong.
Public relations social responsibility
Is the conscious effort by a public relations business to maximise its positive impact and minimise its negative impact on society.
Is a person who engages in unethical and socially irresponsible practices.
Spin doctor
Is the name given to someone communicating their perspective of an issue to the public and trying to persuade the public that their perspective is correct.
Is a false or derogatory statement which damages a person’s reputation.
Is a false statement of fact made by one party to another before or at the time of contracting.
Intellectual property
Refers to property that is created by an individual’s intellect.
Gives the inventor exclusive rights to make, use or sell, as well as to license other to make or sell, a newly invented process or product.
Is a brand name or design that is officially registered.
Is the exclusive right of an author, artist, musician or publisher to publish, perform, copy or sell and original work.
Is a legally enforceable agreement.
Public relations
Is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its public.