Chapter 11 Flashcards
From Kirchoffs Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL) what can one derive?
The transmission line (T-Line) equation for time harmonic voltage and current waves in the form of the 1D Helmotz equation.
What is the 1D Helmholtz equation?
(d^2V/(dz^2)) - y^2 * V = 0
d^2I / (dz^2) - y^2 * I = 0
What is the complex propagation constant in helmotz equation?
y^2 = (R + jwL)(G+jwC)
How are R, L, G, and C measured in the complex propagation constant?
R and L are measured along the length of the T-line (series).
G and C are measured between the two conductors of the T-line (shunt).
What is the voltage solution to the 1D Helmholtz equation?
V(z) = (V0+)e^-yz + (V0-)e^yz,
What are (V0+) and (V0-)?
amplitudes of the wave traveling in the +z direction and the wave traveling in the -z direction.
Current solution to the helmhotz equation?
I(z) = (I0+)e^-yz + (I0-)e^yz
Or the voltage solution divided by the impedance Z0
What does Z0 equal (characteristic impedance)
Z0 = sqrt((R+jwL)/(G+jwC))
Complex propagation constant
y = alpha + j*beta
Lossless T-line vs low-loss T-line
- R=G=0
- alpha = 0
- beta = w*sqrt(LC)
- Z0 = sqrt(L/C)
- R«jwL and G«jwC
- alpha = 1/2((R/Z0) + GZ0)
- beta = w*sqrt(LC)
- Z0 = sqrt(L/C)
For time harmonic waves, how is time dependence incorporated in the fields for a wave traveling in the +z direction?
V(z) = (V0+)(e^-az)(e^j(wt-bz)) or
V(z) = (V0+)(e^-az)cos(wt-bz)
For time harmonic waves, how is time dependence incorporated in the fields for a wave traveling in the -z direction?
V(z) = (V0-)(e^az)(e^j(wt+bz))
V(z) = (V0-)(e^az)cos(wt+bz)
What direction does the wave decay exponentially in?
In a lossless line, does the amplitude stay constant?
What is the reflected wave ampitude described in terms of?
Reflection coefficient (Γ)
Obtained by applying ohms law across the terminals of the load impedance.