Chapter 11 Flashcards
Why should we care about an animal’s behavior?
We come into contact with animals almost daily.
What does natural selection shape?
What is behavior?
Response to a stimulus, an environmental change, or another’s actions.
What is the study of behavior?
What is one trigger for behavior?
Biological clocks.
What is a biological clock?
Something that makes us perform a behavior at certain times.
Examples of biological clocks:
Circadian rhythm and Circannual rhythm.
What is S.A.D.
Seasonal affective disorder.
What are instinctual behaviors?
Fixed action patterns; A response to a sign stimulus.
What are learned behaviors?
The application of knowledge from previous experience.
What is prepared learning?
A response that is easier to learn than normally learned behaviors.
One example of prepared learning:
Language in babies.
There is often an overlap between learned behaviors and…
What is imprinting?
A learned behavior is where an animal gets attached to what it believes to be its parents.
True or false: Bird calls are the same year-round.
False. They change based on the weather and breeding seasons.
What is kin selection?
When animals do things for the group only to enusre the survival of the species.
What is needed for altruistic behavior to be considered reciprocal?
There have to be repeated interactions between a donor and recipient, the recipient benefits more than the donor suffers, and the ability to recognize and punish cheaters.
Who tends to compete the most in mating?
What is mate guarding?
When animals are exclusive about their mates and are prevented from mating with others.
What is sexual dimorphism?
When the sexes of a species are clearly different due to natural selection.
How animals get and share food is called:
Hunting behavior.
How animals protect themselves.
Defensive behaviors.
What the hell is thermoregulation?
How animals regulate their temperature using the sun.
What is an example of complex communication in a species?
With honeybees, they communicate complex ideas to each other by dancing.
What are the positive and negative effects group living has on a species?
Learning from those outside of the family, better defense, members who get picked off, predators know to follow the group, competition for resources, and disease.
What is the acronym for a “million years ago”?
What land reptile lived during the Mesozoic era?
The dinosaurs.
What is a psuedofossil?
The fossilized remains of something that wasn’t living.
Examples of psuedofossils:
Mineral deposits and gas bubbles in rocks.
What happened to fossilized swamp plants from the Pennsylvanian Period?
They turned into coal.
In what period was Kansas covered in shallow sea, and had warm weather?
The Mississippian Period.
What is a fossil?
Evidence of past life, such as teeth, shells, and bones.
Which Era is known as the “Age of Mammals”?
The Cenozoic Era.
What is the largest unit of geological time unit?
The eon.
What marine reptile’s fossils were found in Western Kansas?
The mosasaur.
When did the mosasaur live in Kansas?
80 mya.
Another name for large prehistoric mammals species:
Era from present day until 65 mya:
Cenozoic Era.
Era from 65 mya until 250 mya:
Mesozoic Era.
Era from 250 mya until 542 mya:
Paleozoic Era.
When did land reptiles move into the sea?
250 mya.
Which era did the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian periods take place?
The Paleozoic.
Period from 320 mya until 360 mya:
Pennsylvanian Period.
Period from 286 mya until 320 mya:
Mississippian Period.
When were shallow seas dominated by ammonites and crinoids?
During the Mississippian period, in the Paleozoic Era.
When was the major feature of Kansas its swamps?
During the Pennsylvanian Period of the Paleozoic.
When did dinosaurs roam?
The Mesozoic Era.
When did mammoths and sabers roam where there weren’t glaciers?
The Cenozoic Era.