Chapter 11 Flashcards
rule of law
means that we are governed by a fixed set of laws that apply to all people in scoiety
magna carta
- signed in1215
- symbol of the rule of law
- guarntees many rights for British citizens (ex trial by jury, habeus corpus)
habeus corpus
the right to be brought before a court soon after arrest and released if the judge finds there is no legal charge
what is the supreme law of Canada
the constitution of Canada
constitution of Canada
- has charter of rights and freedoms
(this takes precedence over any government passed laws, protects fundemntal freedoms, gaurntees democracy, also includes the limit of all these rights)
civil law
Deals with relationships between individuals or groups
criminal law
deals with matters that affect society as a whole
- considered to be comitted against the state
person who claims to have suffered harm, loss or injury to self or property
(civil law)
person being sued (civil law)
what criminal cases carried out in the name of of?
The Crown (identified as R or Regina ( the latin word for queen))
why are criminal cases carried out in the name of the Crown
because breaking a criminal law is considered to be a wrong against Canadian society
common law
based on the decisions of judges in the British royal courts
system of rules based on past decisions made
statuary law
- set out in acts of Parliment
what is quebec’s law based on
Roman law (has all laws in a book)
what has been reduced since the intrdocuction of the Charter
powers of police to arrest and question suspects, sieze evidence, conduct searches