Chapter 11 Flashcards
Freud believed that we may block painful or unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, or memories from consciousness through an unconscious process, called
Freud propose that the development of “the voice of conscious” is related to the ———, which internalizes ideals, and provide standards for judgments.
Freud believe that defense mechanisms are unconscious
attempts to sort or disguise reality, all in an effort to reduce our
——- test asked testtakers to respond to an ambiguous stimulus, for example, by describing it, or telling a story about it.
In general neo-Freudians such as Alder and Horney accept d many of Floyd’s views but place more emphasis that he did on
Social interactions
What are the contemporary views of the unconscious?
-schemas that influence our perceptions and interactions
-parallel processing that occurs without our conscious knowledge
-instantly activated emotions and implicit memories of learn skills
The total acceptance Rogers as part of the growth-promoting environment is called
Unconditional positive regard
The ——- theory of personality focuses on describing characteristic behavior patterns, such as agreeableness or extraversion.
What are the Big Five personality factors?
Neuroticism (emotional stability v. instability)
Critics say that ——- - ——— personality theory is very sensitive to an Individuals interactions with particular situations, but that it gives two little attention to the persons enduring traits.
Researchers have found that low self-esteem tends to be linked with life problems. How should this link be interpreted?
The answer is in clear because the link is correlational, and does not indicate cause-and-effect.
The tendency to accept responsibility for success and blame circumstances or bad luck for failure is called
self-serving bias
The tendency to overestimate others’ attention to an evaluation of our appearance, performance and blunders is called
spotlight effect
—— self-esteem correlates with aggressive and antisocial behavior.
——- self-esteem is a healthier self image that allows us to focus beyond ourselves and enjoy a higher quality of life.