Chapter 10: Vision Part 2 Flashcards
What area of the thalamus is part of the visual system?
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
What part of the hypothalamus is part of the visual system?
Suprachiamatic nucleus
What is the optic chiasm?
It is the place where the nasal retina crosses to the opposite side of the brain
What part of the retina ganglion cells crosses?
The nasal retina crosses to the opposite side of the brain at the optic chiasm
What part of the retina ganglion cells does not cross?
The temporal retina does not cross.
What side of the brain does each field project to?
The right visual field projects to the left side of the brain.
The left visual field projects to the right side of the brain.
What is the left eye visual field?
It is the fixation point and 90 degrees to the left and 60 degrees to the right
What is the right eye visual field?
It is the fixation point and 90 degrees to the right and 60 degrees to the left
What are anopsias?
Large visual field deficits
What are scotomas?
Small visual field deficits
What are parallel pathways?
Segregation of inputs in LGN by eye and by ganglion cell type
What is the name of layers 6-3 of the LGN?
What ganglion cell type is in layers 6-3 of the LGN?
What is the name of layers 1-2 of the LGN?
What ganglion cell type is in layers 1-2 of the LGN?
What is the name of the space between each layer K1-K6?
What ganglion cell type is in the space between each layer K1-K6?
What is the retino-geniculo-cotrical projection?
Course of the optic radiations to striate cortex
What is the retinotopic organization of the primary visual cortex?
It is an orderly map of contralateral visual hemifield more space devoted to central visual field
Left visual field to right primary visual cortex
What is the 4C layer of the striate cortex?
The fourth layer is divided into two. The 4C layer is the primary recipient zone for LGN afferents.
It includes the M and P pathways being segregated like all the cells
The cells are monocular
What does monocular mean?
Receiving input from either one eye or the other
What is disparity tuning?
Convergence of inputs from left eye and right eye
Important for depth perception
What is ocular dominance?
In the binocular cell, one eye could be more dominant than the other. If when stimulated with only that eye and the response is bigger than the other eye than that eye is dominant
What are ocular dominance columns?
Since ocular dominance is not distributed randomly it is organized by a column extending from brain surface to white matter