Chapter 10: Pragmatics Flashcards
understanding meaning in a particular context
speaker’s meaning; invisible meaning
physical context
the location where we encounter words and text (bank, school, workplace, home)
linguistic context/co-text
surrounding words helping to convey understanding (overgrown, river -> bank)
deictic expressions/deixis
greek word that means “pointing” via language
people (us, them, she, her)
places (here, there, over there)
times (now, last week, next year)
broad distinction between what is close to the speaker (here/this/now) and far (that/there/then)
the act by which a speaker uses language to enable to listener to identify something
additional information used by the listener to connect what is said with its meaning
we saw a video about a boy washing a puppy.
antecedent - the first mention (a boy, a puppy)
the puppy got the boy wet.
anaphora - referring back (the boy, the puppy)
beginning with a pronoun/vague reference and clarifying later
i talked to that girl earlier. they’re huge, aren’t they? her earrings, i mean.
the connection between antecedent and anaphora is often inferred.
we found a house within our budget, but the kitchen was too small
if X is a house, then X has a kitchen
what a speaker/writer assumes the listener/reader already knows
pragmatic markers
mark a speaker’s attitude to the listener/what is being said
y’know, well, i mean, i don’t know
public self image
face-threatening/face-saving act
showing awareness/consideration of someone’s face
negative face
need to be independent/free of imposition
face-saving: i’m sorry to bother you, i know you’re busy