Chapter 10: Performance Management Flashcards
Types of Formal Appraisal Methods
- comparative methods
- qualitative methods
- advanced quanitative methods
Comparative Appraisal Methods
- graphic rating scale
- Alternation Ranking Method
- Paired Comparison Method
- Forced Distribution Method
Graphic Rating Scale
lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each. The employee then rated by identifying the score that best describes their level of performance at each trait (ex. Trait is responsibility and scale is unsatisfactory to excellent)
Alternation Ranking Method
ranking employees from best to worst on a specific trait
Paired Comparison Method
Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of employees for each trait and indicating the better employee of the pair
Forced Distribution Method
redetermined percentages or ratees are placed in various performance categories. Identify the top 10% of performers and the bottom 10% of performers, the rest are average
Qualitative Methods
- Critical Indicent Method
- Narrative Forms
Critical Incident Method
Supervisor keeps a log of desirable or undesirable examples or incident of each employee’s work-related behaviour and later review this with employee
Narrative Forms
Feedback in a standard form to identify performance issues
Advanced Quantitative Methods
- behaviourally anchored rating scale (BARS)
- management by objectives (MBO)
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
An appraisal method that aims to combine the benefits of narratives, critical incidents, and quantified ratings by anchoring a series of quantified scales with specific examples of good or poor performance
Management By Objectives
setting specific measurable goals with the employees involved in goal-setting process and periodically reviewing the progress made
Seven Problems Using Appraisal Tools
- unclear standards
- halo effect
- central tendency
- leniency or strictness
- appraisal bias
- recency effect
- similar to me bias
Unclear Standards
appraisal scale that is too open to interpretation
Halo Effect
rating an employee on one trait biases the way the person is rated on other traits
Central Tendency
tendency to rate all employees in the middle of the scale
Leniency or Strictness
tendency to rate all employees high or low
Appraisal Bias
tendency to allow characteristics such as age, race, and sex to affect ratings even though unrelated to performance
Recency Effect
ratings are based on employee’s most recent performance, good or bad
Similar to Me Bias
supervisor gives higher rating to employees with whom the supervisor has something in common
Who Should Do The Appraising?
- supervisors
- self
- peers
- committees
- subordinates
360 Degree Appraisal
a performance appraisal technique that uses multiple rates including peers, supervisors, self, subordinators, customers