Chapter 10- Muscle Flashcards
The cytoplasm of muscle cells.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum:
The sarcoplasm and the endoplasmic reticulum
Muscle fibers:
The elongated, cylindrical skeletal muscle cells
The layer within a fascicle, where each muscle fiber is surrounded by a fine sheath of loose connective tissue made mostly of reticular fibers.
A layer of fibrous connective tissue surrounding each fascicle.
An outer layer of dense irregular connective tissue surrounding while skeletal muscle.
What is a tendon:
The connective tissue structure that joins skeletal muscle to bones
The plasma membrane of muscle cells
What specific type of tissue makes a tendon?
Fibrous connective tissue and collagen fibers
Attachment of muscle on less movable bone
Attachment of muscle on more moveable bone.
What is a fascicle?
Groups that resemble a bundle of sticks with skeletal muscle.
What is a myofibril?
Unbranched cylinders that are present in large numbers, making up more than 80% of the sarcoplasm.
What are myofilaments?
Filaments of myofibrils, constructed from proteins, primarily myosin or actin.
What is a sarcomere?
A structural unit of a myofibril in striated muscle, made of dark bands and the nearer half of each adjacent pale band.
Actin filaments:
Attached to Z disc and extending towards center; consists primarily of the protein actin, and other proteins.
Myosin filaments:
Center of sarcomere and overlapping inner ends of thin filaments; made largely of myosin molecules and ATPase enzyme that split ATP to release energy for required muscle contraction.
A spring-like molecule in sarcomere stay resists overstretching.
Z discs:
The boundaries at 2 ends of each sarcomere.
A bands:
Region of sarcomere where dark bands are created by the full length of the thick filaments, along with the inner ends of the thin filaments, which overlap the thick filaments.
I bands:
2 regions on either side of the A band; contain only thin filaments.
H zone:
The central part of an A band, where no thin filaments reach.
M line:
In the center of the H zone contains tiny rods that hold the thick filaments together.
T tubules:
Deep invaginations of sarcolemma that run between each pair of terminal cisterns.