Chapter 10 - Mitosis Flashcards
The field of genetics involving microscopic examination of chromosomes and cell division
Purpose of cytogenic
To better understand the structure and behavior of the DNA during cell divisions
Two sets of chromosomes
Somatic cells
All are diploid
Any cells that are not involved in sexual reproduction
Only one set of chromosomes
All sex cells are haploids
Sex cells are the sperm and egg cells
Three phases of interphase
- G1
- S
- G2
Cell grows
Sometimes a cell enters G0 instead of the next phase
A cell in G0 will not divide
DNA replicates and produces sister chromatids
Cell grows and gets prepared for the next phase
Sister chromatids
Two identical copies that stay joined to each other.
Tightly joined at the “waist” called the centromere.
Serves as an attachment site for the kinetochore used in sorting chromosomes.
Purpose is to separate sister chromatids so that each daughter cell gets an equal number of chromosomes.
If the parent cell has 20 chromosomes, each daughter cell has 20 chromosomes.
Spindle fibers form
Chromatin becomes condensed
- Prometaphase
Spindle fibers interact with sister chromatids.
Two kinetochores on each pair of sister chromatids are attached to kinetechore microtubules from opposite poles.
- Metaphase
Spindle fibers attached to the kinetechores at the centromeres move the sister chromatids to the middle of the cell.
Sister chromatids are lined up at the imaginary line called the metaphase plate.
- Anaphase
Kinetochore microtubules shorten, pulling sister chromatids apart toward the pole to which they are attached.
- Telophase
Nuclear envelopes form around the two clusters of chromosomes.
Two nuclei are segregated into separate daughter cells.
Animal cells- a cleavage furrow constructs like a drawstring to separate the cells.
Plant cells- a cell plate forms a wall between the two daughter cells
Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks)
Cyclins are proteins that bind to the enzymatic cdks.
Purpose of cyclins and cdks is to let the cell know it is ready to move on to the next phase.
During G1, G1 cyclins bind to G1 cdks when the cell is ready to go through DNA replication.
During S, S cyclins bind to S cdks when DNA replication is completed and the cell is ready to go on to G2. Each phase of cell cycle has their own cyclins and cdks.
Uncontrolled cell division.
If the tumor does not spread to surrounding tissue, then the tumor is a benign tumor (non-cancerous).
If the tumor invades the surrounding tissue, then the tumor is a malignant tumor (cancerous).
If cancer cells break free from the tumor and become mobile, then the cancer has metastasized.
Prokaryotic cell division
Called binary fission, or splitting into two parts.