Chapter 10 Flashcards
Contains 1 set of chromosomes from the ovum and 1 set of chromosomes from the sperm
Each set is a _______pair of chromosomes
Reduction division
______=reproductive =1n cells=ovum/sperm
The code for correct amino acid sequence in proteins
Nucleotide sequence
The version of information for making a specific protein
Correct number of chromosomes is
Changes to euploid ex:monosomies and trisomies
Each DNA section that gives information for making a person correctly
Homologous chromosomes line up across from one another along the metaphase plate is
Metaphase 1
Homologous chromosomes are split
Anaphase 1
Nucleus reforms around one set of chromosomes
Telophase 1
Moving day DNA
A short rest period prior to second nuclear division occurring in meiosis II
Called bivalent because there are
2 chromosomes
Called a tetrad because there are
Sister chromatids in each chromosome
What phase are Sister chromatids are separated
Anaphase II
Nucleus reforms around 1 set of sister chromatids
Telophase II
1n chromosomes (1complete set) line up at the metaphase plate
Metaphase II
A life _____refers to all reproductive events between one generation and next
Changes in chromosomes number/structure or gene
Failure of one or more chromosomes to separate during meiosis. Causes an abnormal chromosome number in gametes produced.
Genotype xxy. Testes and prostate are underdeveloped, no facial hair, and affected individuals are sterile males
Klinefelter syndrome
An individual has only one of a particular type of chromosome
An individual has three of a particular type of chromosome
Euploid is
Correct number of chromosomes
Three sets of 21 chromosomes, eyelid fold, stubby fingers, round head, flat face, short stature, Palmer crease, tendency for fast aging, leukemia, cataracts, and mental retardation
Down syndrome
Male and female have one functioning X chromosome and extra chromosome is inactive is called
Barr bodies
Short, broad chest, skin on back of neck, ovaries are never functional, do not undergo puberty, have only one sex chromosome, affected individuals are sterile females
Turner syndrome
Translocation syndrome examples are
Down syndrome, alagille syndrome, and certain types of cancer
Abnormalities of eyes, internal organs, severe itching, translocation between chromosome 2 and 20
Alagille syndrome
Segment is removed from one and inserted into another nonhomologous chromosome
Mental retardation, facial abnormalities, abnormal glottis and larynx resulting in a cry resembling that of a cat, chromosome 5 missing end piece
Cri du chat syndrome
End of a chromosome breaks off
Sometimes called supermales, two Y chromosomes instead of one, are fertile, suffer from persistent acne, males are usually taller than average, and tend to have speech and reading problems
Jacobs syndrome
Large hands and feet, long arms, breast development, slow but not retarded unless ▶️2X
Klinefelter syndrome
Deletion syndrome examples are
Williams syndrome, and Cri du chat syndrome
Turned up noses, pixie like face, wide mouth, small chin, chromosome 7 loses end piece, large ears, poor academic skills, excellent verbal and musical abilities
Williams syndrome
A chromosomal segment occurs more than once in same chromosome. Occurs in several ways: a broken segment from one chromosome can attach to its homologue, or unequal crossing over may occur
A segment that has become separated from the chromosome is reinserted at the same place but in reverse, the position and sequence of genes are altered is called
Serve to discard unnecessary chromosomes, keeps most of the cytoplasm in the now larger egg, cytoplasm serves as a source of nutrients for the developing embryo
Polar bodies