Chapter 10 Flashcards
State of prolonged bouts of sadness
Feel little joy in anything they do and lose interest in activities
Anaclitic depression
Infants raised in clean but emotionally cold institutional environment displayed reactions that resembled depression
Major depressive disorder
Minimum of 2 weeks; associated with depressed or irritable mood, loss of interest or pleasure, etc and significant distress or impairment in functioning
Persistent depressive disorder (dysthmia)
Associated with depressed Or irritable mood, generally fewer, less severe but longer-lasting symptoms (year or more) and significant impairment in functioning
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Characterized by:
1.) frequent and severe temper outbursts that ave extreme overreaction to situation.
2.) chronic, persistently irritable or angry mood that is present down severe. Temper outbursts
Ruminative coping styles
Focusing on symptoms of distress and its causes rather than solutions
Double depression
MDD combined with PDD
Depressive ruminative style
Focus narrowly and passively on negative events
Strong risk factor for onset or depression in females; negative form of self- disclosure and discussion between peers focused narrowly on problems ov emotions exclusion of other activities
Psychodynamic theory of depression
Actual/symbolic loss of loved object; anger towards loved object turns inward
Attachment theory
Insecure early attachments
Behavioral theory
Depression related to lack of response- contingent positive reinforcement
Cognitive theory
Focus on and emphasize depressogenic cognitions (negative perceptual and attributional styles and beliefs associated with depressive symptoms
Hopelessness theory
Individuals tend to make internal, global, and stable attributions to explain cause of negative events
Negative cognate triad
Negative views about oneself
Negative view of world,
Negative view of future
Negative cognitive schemata
Stable structures in memory that guide information processing including self-critical beliefs