Chapter 1 - Scientific Investigation Planning, Ethics and Safety Flashcards
Investigation aim
the purpose of a study
Investigation question
the question that is to be solved by a study
an idea or explanation for something that
is based on known facts but has not yet
been proven
Independent variable
the variable that is being manipulated
(controlled, selected or changed) by the
Dependent variable
the variable that is being measured by the researcher
Extraneous variable
a variable other than the independent
variable that may have an unwanted
effect on the dependent variable and results of an investigation
Controlled variable
a variable that is held constant to ensure that the only influence on the dependent variable is the independent variable
Confounding variable
an unwanted variable that has affected the results of an investigation
the wider group of people that a study is investigating
the smaller group of people selected from the population who will be participants in the investigation
Sampling technique
involves procedures
for selecting participants from the population
Random sampling
selecting participants from the population in a way that means each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected to participate in the study
Stratified sampling
first dividing the population into subgroups, and then randomly selecting participants from each subgroup in the proportion that they appear in the population
Investigation methodology
the particular type of research study
dividing a sample into
groups in an investigation
Random allocation
dividing a sample into
groups in such a way that each participant
has an equal chance of being placed into the experimental
group or the control group
Experimental group
the group that is exposed to the independent variable and receives the experimental treatment
Control group
the group that forms a baseline level to compare the experimental group with
Investigation design
a framework that determines how participants experience the experimental and control conditions
Between subjects design
an investigation design in which participants are randomly allocated to
either the control or the experimental condition
Within subjects design
an investigation design in which all participants in the sample are involved
in both the experimental and control conditions
Mixed design
an investigation design that combines
elements of a between subjects design and a within subjects design
Case study
an investigation of a particular activity, behaviour, event or problem that contains a real or hypothetical
situation and includes real-world complexities
Classification and identification
a type of investigation
that involves arranging phenomena, objects or events into manageable sets, and recognising phenomena as belonging to a particular set or part of a new or unique set
Correlational study
an investigation that involves planned observation and recording of events and behaviours that have not been manipulated or controlled to understand the relationships or associations existing between variables, to
identify which factors may be of greater
importance, and to make predictions
a type of investigation
that involves collecting information
through observing and interacting with a selected environment
Literature review
a type of investigation
that involves collating and analysing secondary data findings and viewpoints
Secondary data
data obtained second hand through research conducted by another person for another purpose
Primary data
data collected through firsthand research for an intended purpose
a type of investigation in which a physical or conceptual model is constructed and/or manipulated to simulate a system
a type of investigation
that uses a model to
replicate and study the behaviour of a system
Product, process and system development
a type of investigation in which a product, a process or a system is
designed to meet a human need
Ethical concept
general ethical considerations used to analyse the ethical and moral conduct surrounding psychological issues and psychological investigations
an ethical concept involving the commitment to searching for knowledge and understanding and the honest reporting of all sources of information and results
an ethical concept
involving fair consideration of competing claims, no unfair burden on a particular group, and fair access to benefits of an action
an ethical concept
involving the commitment to maximising benefits and minimising risks
and harms
an ethical concept
involving the avoidance of causing harm
an ethical concept
involving the consideration of the value of living things,
giving due regard, and
consideration of the capacity of living things to make their own decisions
Ethical guidelines
guidelines that ensure the protection and welfare of all participants in research
an ethical guideline
that ensures participants remain
anonymous, and their personal information is kept private, protected and secure throughout the study
Voluntary participation
an ethical guideline
ensuring that each participant freely agrees to participate in a study, with no pressure or coercion
Informed consent procedures
an ethical guideline
conducted before a
study begins – participants agree to
participate after they have received all the
details of the study, including the purpose,
procedures and potential risks
Withdrawal rights
an ethical guideline that ensures the participants are free to discontinue their involvement in a study at any point during or after the conclusion of the study, without receiving any penalty
Deception in research
an ethical guideline
involving withholding the true nature of
the study from participants, when their knowledge of
the true purpose may affect their behaviour and subsequent validity of the investigation
an ethical guideline
involving provision of
information to participants at the end of the study, including the true aims, results and
conclusions, and answering any questions, clarifying misunderstandings or deception, and providing support to ensure no lasting harm
Occupational health and safety (OHS)
issues of health, safety and welfare that must be protected in a workplace
Risk assessment
a process involving the consideration, identification and reduction of physical and psychological risk
Safety data sheet (SDS)
a document that provides all the important information about a substance, such as its ingredients, precautionary statements and first aid measures