Chapter 1, Lesson 6: Doxxing (Grammar) Flashcards
产物 vs. 产品
Refers to the “outcome” or “result” of a process, often abstract. It emphasizes the byproduct or effect of a situation or phenomenon.
i.e. 文化的产物 (a product of culture)
Refers to a “product” or “commodity” that is manufactured or created for use or sale.
i.e. 工厂的产品 (the factory’s products)
基于 vs. 由于
“Based on” or “on the basis of”. It indicates a foundation or rationale for something.
i.e. 基于事实 (based on facts)
“Due to” or “because of”. It emphasizes the cause or reason for something happening.
i.e. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了 (The match was cancelled due to bad weather)
遭遇 vs. 遭受
To “encounter” or “face”, often something negative. It implies a confrontation with an event or situation.
i.e. 他在旅行中遭遇了暴风雨 (He encountered a storm during his trip)
To “suffer” or “endure”. It emphasizes experiencing harm, damage, or loss.
i.e. 遭受打击 (suffer a blow)
‘to provide…with a platform’
i.e. 社交媒体为身处异地的朋友们提供了保持联系和分享生活乐趣的平台。Social media provides a platform for friends who live far apart to stay in touch and to share the joys in life.
可惜 vs. 惋惜
“It’s a pity” or “unfortunate”. It expresses regret or disappointment.
i.e. 这件艺术品被破坏了,真是太可惜了 (It’s a pity that this artwork was damaged)
“To lament” or “feel sorrow”. It conveys a deeper emotional regret or sympathy for a loss.
i.e. 人们对他的离世感到惋惜 (People feel sorrow for his passing)
‘driven by (the urge/ motive of)…’
i.e. 在利润的驱使下,一些服装公司非法雇佣童工,压低人工成本。Driven by profit, some clothing companies employ child workers illegally to bring down the cost of labour.
停止 vs. 阻止
To “stop” or “cease”. Refers to halting an action or process.
i.e. 停止工作 (stop working)
To “prevent” or “block”. It emphasizes stopping something from happening.
i.e. 他阻止了这场争吵 (He prevented the quarrel)
‘(something is so extreme that it has gone) to the extent that…’
It is quite common to place an idiom chengyu in the middle of the pattern to describe the degree of the extent.
i.e. 自从破产后,他穷得已经到了卖房的地步。Since the bankruptcy, he has become so poor that he has to sell his house.
‘use…as an excuse’
is mostly used in a formal written context and is often pragmatically negative. It is derived from the pattern of 以…为, ‘to treat/ use…as…’.
i.e. 在新冠病毒的政策上,一些人担忧政府会以防止病毒传播为由,剥夺公民的人身自由。With regard to Covid- 19 policies, some people are worried that the gov-ernment could use the excuse of virus containment to take people’s freedom away.
‘…(simply) doesn’t exist;…not true (at all)’
This structure is used to indicate that a concept, view or an opinion simply does not exist or is not true at all.
i.e. 当抑郁症发作时,即使患者做自己喜欢的事情,也没有乐趣可言。When patients suffer from depression, even when they do something that they normally would enjoy, there is no pleasure in it at all.