Chapter 1/Lesson 3 Protists Flashcards
Definition of Protists
Eukaryotes that can not be classified as plant, animals or fungii.
Characteristic of an organism that can not produce their own food, but can consume other organisms.
Characteristic of an organism that can produce their own food.
Are all Eurkaryotes and live in wet environment. All their genetic material is contains in a nucleus.
Three categories of Protists
Animal, Plant and Fungii
A type of protozoan that move and feed by forming pseudopods.
Means false foot. Used by Sarcodines to move and trap food particles and pull it inside a cell.
Flagellate Protozoan
Type of Protozoan that use long flagellate
What is Guardia?
Type of Flagellates that cause intestine issue in their host. Lives in fresh water, and enters a host when the animal drinks water. Causes intestine issues in hikers.
Ciliate Protozoan
Type of Protozoan that have a structure called cilia, hairline projects, that help move the organism. Also help sweep food into the organism.
Paramecium Protozoan
Type of Protozoan that has two nuclei. Reproduce by conjugation (two join and exchange genetic material).
Parasite Protozoan
Group of Protozoan characterized by the way they live. Example: Plasmodium that caused malaria, used Humans and Mesquites in its life cycle.
Plant Protists
Commonly called Algae. Very diverse group, unicellular or multi-cellular. Most are able to use the suns energy. Play an important role in many environments. Contributes to the Earth’s oxygen. Come in many colors; green, black, yellow, red or orange.
Chemicals that produce color.
Type of plant protist that uses the sun for energy, but will convert to Heterotrophs and consume other organisms. Some use wipe like flagellum. Often have a red eye spot, that uses pigments to recognize light source.
Unicellular algae, that have an external structure that acts as armor. Often twirl like tops as they move in water. Some will light up when disturbed by a boat or swimmer in the night.
Unicellular protists with glass like cell wall. Source of food for other protists in the water. When they die their cell walls collect on the bottom.
Diatomaceous Earth
Earth material formed by layers of dead diatoms in water. Used for house cleaning products and insecticide products.
Red Algae
Multicellular protists found in the form of sea.
Carrageenan & Agar
Products extracted from Red Algae that is extracted and used for food products.
Brown Algae
Common seaweeds. Comes in different colors. Has many plant like structures. Holdfasts help the algae attach to rocks. Some have stem like structures to give it sharp, and some have air bags to help it remain afloat.
Characteristics of Fungi Protists
Protists that eat other protists. Have cell walls and use spores to reproduce. All are able to move at some point in their lives. Types: Slime molds, water molds and downy mildews.
Slime Molds
Feed on bacteria and other microorganisms. Can range in size from very small to very large. Begin live cycle as a small cell, that use pseudopods to feed and move around. Sometimes for large masses of cells.
Water Molds
Type of protists that live in water or wet places. Often grow as tiny threads or fuzz. Often attach food crops. Became famous when it contributed to the Potato famine in Ireland.
- Type of Eurkaryote with cell walls. 2. Absorb their food. 3. Reproduce using food. 4. Live in wet places. Range in size form small to very large multi-cellular organisms.
Definition of Hyphae
Arrangement of cells in Fungi. Branching threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of fungi. Formed of cytoplasm. The appearance of a fungi are determined by the structure of the hyphae. Absorb food using hyphae by growing into the food source. Hyphae use digestive fluids to break down a food source.
How do Fungi repoduce
Sexual and Asexual Production. Make spores to product new copies of the parent. Spores move via water or air.
Fruiting Body
Structure in a fungi that product spores for reproduction. Range in size from very small to very large.
Asexual Fungi Reproduction
When food is available, fungi grow hyphae that have cells that can split and form a new organism. Unicellular yeast produce via budding, by forming small groups of cells that breaks away to form a new organism.
Sexual Fungi Reproduction
When conditions are not good, fungii from two organsims can grow together and share genetic material.
Type of Fungi
Sac, Club and Zygote. Describe the reproductive methods.
Role of Fungi in Soil
Live in the soil and help break down dead plants and animals.
Type of fungii used in baking to make bread rise. Yeast cells consume bread material and generate gas needed to make the break full of holes.
Fungi Sources of Food
Used to convert milk to cheese; blue cheese.
Good Fungi
Some Fungi help the human body fight disease. Some fungi are able to product a substance that kills bacteria. Lead to the development of Penicillin to tread bacterial infections.
Bad Fungi
Some fungi cause disease in plants. Sac fungus caused Dutch Elm Disease in trees. Impact rice, cotton and soy bans. Come cause disease in humans; Ring worm, Athletes foot. All can be treated with anti-fungal medication.
Fungi and Plants
Some Fungi help plants when their Hyphae grow into the plant structure or roots. Come plants can not survive without the help of fungi.
Type of Fungi or algae that live together in a relationship that benefits both organisms. The algae gets shelter, water and good from the fungus.