Chapter 1 Key Terms Flashcards
Applications (Apps)
A software program designed to facilitate a specific task as opposed to control resources. Examples of applications include Microsoft Word, a word processing application.
blue ocean strategy
A business strategy in which firms try to find new market spaces where they have the “water” to themselves. That is, they enter a market space(s) when the goal is not to beat the competition but to make it irrelevant.
business model
subscriptions, advertising, licenses, etc. Do not include where the business seeks to go, and only the revenue portion of how it expects to get there.
business strategy
A plan articulating where a business seeks to go and how it expects to get there.
The use of social IT to extend the reach of stakeholders, both employees and those outside the enterprise walls. Social IT such as social networks enable individuals to find and connect with each other to share ideas, information, and expertise.
cost leadership
A business strategy by which the organization aims to be the lowest-cost producer in the marketplace.
creative destruction
accelerated competition has occurred, as well as sharp increases in the quality and quantity of information technology (IT) investment. Destroy your business, develop strategies to destroy your company’s competitive advantage.
A business strategy by which the organization qualifies its product or service in a way that allows it to appear unique in the marketplace.
dynamic capabilities
means of orchestrating a firm’s resources in the face of turbulent environments.
A theory about industries and marketplaces that suggests that the speed and aggressiveness of moves and countermoves in any given market create an environment in which advantages are quickly gained and lost. A hypercompetitive environment is one in which conditions change rapidly.
Information Systems Strategy Triangle
The framework connecting business strategy, information system strategy, and organizational systems strategy.
The use of social IT to identify, describe, prioritize, and create new ideas for the enterprise. Social IT offers the community members a forum in which to suggest new ideas, comment on other ideas, and vote for their favorite idea, giving managers a new way to generate and make decisions on products and services.
IS strategy
The plan an organization uses in providing information services.
managerial levers
The organizational, control, cultural variables that are used by decision makers to effect changes in their organizations.
A clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization’s effort and describes what the firm is all about (i.e., its purpose).
organizational strategy
A plan that answers the question: “How will the company organize to achieve its goals and implement its business strategy?” It includes the organization’s design as well as the choices it makes to define, set up, coordinate, and control its work processes.
social business strategy
An enterprise whose basic business model engages communities as a core competency and builds processes based on capabilities available only through the use of social IT.
Information system (IS)
The combination of technology (the “what”), people(the “who”), and process (the “how”) that an organization uses to produce and manage information.
red ocean strategy
strategy focus on gaining competitive advantage in currently existing industries and marketplaces
A coordinated set of actions to fulfill objectives, purposes, and goals.